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30 October 2022

Red, Green & White Lights at Hurst Lighthouse

On an early morning walk to Hurst Castle last week (Around 5.30am), some dramatic images were captured by Patrick Ley-Greaves of what could have appeared to have been a light show at Hurst Castle Lighthouse.

Photos by Patrick Ley-Greaves
click image to enlarge

Sailors will no doubt immediately recognise this activity.

After some research on the Marine Gyann website it transpires that this is a 'Sector Light'. 

The website explains; A sector light is a fixed aid to navigation that displays a light of different colours and/or rhythms over designated arcs. The colour of the light provides directional information to the mariner.

After all these years in the village this is not something I have seen, or was even aware off. - Everyday's a school day!

1 comment:

  1. The lights seen are a replacement for the low lighthouse situated in Hurst Castle (the grey one). Mariners used to line up the low lighthouse and the higher white lighthouse for safe passage through the shingle banks. Now mariners simply guide their way through based on the colours as described in the article.


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