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Clubs, Classes & Sports




10 February 2022

First Friday Lunch for Milford Girls Cricket Club

The Milford Girls Cricket Club are organising the First Friday Lunch at Milford on Sea Community Centre on Friday 4th March.

Lunch will be Cottage Pie followed by Apple Crumble for just £6 and all are welcome.

Parents and the coaches of the Club will be running the lunch to raise vital funds to further grow the already popular Club.

There is also an opportunity for local people or businesses to contribute to their fundraising in other ways.
Since its early days during the first Lockdown when the girls learnt the highly technical game via home-made videos, the Club has thrived and is now a highlight of many Milford schoolgirls summer, with regular after school training, twice weekly holiday sessions and as many matches as possible! The girls’ hard work and love of the sport has been justly rewarded with nine of them being recently selected for Hampshire District Teams across three age groups.

Thanks to Parish Council and Milford Cricket Club funding the club have recently installed an all-weather pitch at Barnes Lane Recreation Centre (where the girls train) which will further enhance, improve and prolong the training and matches. 

They are now fundraising for a set of spring back stumps to use on the new pitch, specialist ball catching kit and more bats and balls to replenish their stock as the numbers at the club grow.

If any local people or businesses would like to supply ingredients or donate a Raffle Prize for the lunch it would be greatly appreciated by the coaches and the girls.

The club will, of course, be happy to advertise your business during the course of the lunch.

Please contact Kerry Wills by clicking here.

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