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28 November 2021

A knitted celebration to raise smiles at Christmas

It is very rare that we post any articles that are not directly related to Milford on Sea, but this Christmas idea deserves sharing.

click image to enlarge
In Guildford, every year a group of volunteers knit Christmas characters and tie them to a railing with a laminated sign inviting people to help themselves.

This simple and generous idea creates a festive display, delights children, raises a smile and brightens many peoples day.

Wouldn't it be great to see something similar on the bridge in Sea Road or somewhere else suitable?

If anyone takes this concept on, please let me know at:

PS: We could also invite people to join a 'Knitting Ninja Group' if someone was happy to co-ordinate a group of festive knitters?

PPS: We might even be able to find a sponsor if buying the wool is an issue. If that's the case, let me know and we can see if we can find someone help.

PPPS: If you would like to sponsor the 'Knitting Ninja Group', please let me know.


  1. Thanks. Could you email me your email address (Don't post it here) please. Send to david@milfordonsea.org.
    I can then let you know if the idea gets off the ground.


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