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21 May 2021

Litter Picking Kits at The Village News

Mark at The Village News near Milford on Sea Village Green is always keen to help any local causes or initiatives and now he is now stocking free Litter Picking Kits* - alongside the newspapers, magazines, greeting cards, confectionery and lots of other things you didn't even know you need!

No doubt we all love the beautiful environment we live in and it is at its best when spotlessly clean. If you fancy collecting some litter whilst out walking then the kit is just the job for doing a good deed for the day.

*The Litter Picking Kits and available as part of the New Forest Ambassador Scheme run by New Forest National Park where people are encouraged to sign up to pick up local litter and they are providing the Litter Picking Kits for free.

If possible, please download, print and sign the litter pick agreement form in advance of collecting a kit from The Village News. Please click here for the form.

Note from the New Forest Ambassador Scheme: Please note that by signing for a free litter picking kit you are agreeing to follow the litter picking health and safety guidance and will litter pick in a safe way. You will be acting on your own initiative and you will not be covered by the New Forest National Park Authority’s insurance.

You need to be 18 years or over to sign up as a New Forest Ambassador and collect your own litter picking kit. However, we welcome young ambassadors who can litter pick with a parent or guardian. If you would like to pick up one or more litter picking kits for your children, please state the number of children and their ages on the litter picking agreement form. We do not have any child-sized tabards but hope the small/medium size will not be too large!

If you have any suggestions, questions or feedback about this litter picking scheme, please email nfambassadors@newforestnpa.gov.uk.

For more information; please click here.

The Village News
01590 645595
74 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QD

1 comment:

  1. Very helpful and reliable newspaper delivery to Lymington


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