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05 February 2021

Sponsor the Milford School Leavers

A message from Milford on School PFA:

Sponsorship opportunity - Milford-On-Sea Primary Year 6 leavers celebration

Please help us to make this school year memorable for the right reasons!

There is no doubting that the last year has been tough for everyone. With schools closed for large periods of time, many children have found themselves isolated from friends and their learning severely interrupted. This has perhaps been felt hardest by children in Year 6 – a critical year to develop social skills and consolidate academic achievements before the big leap to secondary school in September.

With this in mind, we are launching a campaign to support Year 6 children at Milford-On-Sea Primary school. We want to try and help them end their last primary school year on a positive note. But to be successful we really need some help! So, we are on the hunt for some amazing supporters from the local community who can help us make this happen.

Leaving primary school is an important milestone in every child’s life. At Milford-On-Sea Primary School this is usually marked by creating special activities and items for the Year 6 children including a yearbook featuring every year 6 child. In normal times these would be funded by proceeds from events set up by parents throughout the year – cake sales, raffles, etc. However, this is no normal school year and it has not been possible to support the year 6 children by raising money in this way.

This is where we are asking please for some much-needed support in helping us to give these children something positive to remember about this difficult school year, and to create some happy memories with them as they progress to the next step.

We are looking for a series of sponsors from the community. Those who understand how important this time is and would be kind enough to donate towards the costs of a yearbook, and a series of events (physical or virtual depending on restrictions) for the year 6 leavers.

Support like this would make such a difference and we would be incredibly grateful. In return we would ensure that your donation is well promoted. All sponsors will be recorded in the yearbook, shared on social media posts from the school and the PFA, and shared within the entire school community via newsletters etc. Sponsors would also be featured in news about the campaign shared with local media.

We are looking to raise around £100 from each sponsor. If you feel you would be able to help us reach this target and would like more information about how to get involved and support this campaign, please contact Kerry Wills at thebigbash@yahoo.com

With thanks from all of the Year 6 Parents at MOSPS!

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