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13 January 2021

NEW! Ray's Larder Kitchen opens this Friday

In these tough times Stacey at Ray's Italian Restaurant is adding an exciting new arm to the services she is to provide to the village.

Like all other eateries, she is only able to provide takeaways during this latest lockdown and her latest venture will offer something not currently available.

Stacey explains:

"Firstly I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your continued support throughout 2020. 

As most of you are aware since March 2020 and the first lockdown, I have been serving lunches to vulnerable and shielding people of our community. I continue to do so to this day. 

I realised very early on how vulnerable many of my customers and the wider community are. I like a lot of you reached out and offered to help wherever I could and did. 

I like many have had time to look at the world around me and listen to my customers, friends, family and of course the media and I have also built relationships with my suppliers and I feel that I have developed a concept which will bring something new to our community.

I am thrilled to announce that Ray’s is about to diversify in lockdown 3 and bring you Ray's Larder Kitchen which will open This Friday 15th January at 9am. 

Ray's Larder Kitchen will offer restaurant standard foods to cook and enjoy at home at affordable prices along with an exciting range of fantastic quality produce. We will be a one stop food shop which will help you to adhere to the government message of ‘stay at home’. 

I aim to offer more than just a shop and I am striving to create a food haven for food lovers like myself and also provide a service for my vulnerable & shielding customers at this time. 

Obviously I have thought about this and I am starting off with what I feel is a unique offering. We have had time to create, test and we are ready to deliver superb quality ready meals for you to enjoy at home, complete with ingredients, allergens and cooking instructions. We can also offer advice for you on how to cook cheaper cuts and so much more. 

Working with my butcher - Meadowbrook Produce & Professional in house chef’s/bakers, I will be offering top quality fresh meat, Home cured Charcuterie, Veg boxes, Local & Continental cheeses, Fluffet’s free range eggs, professional quality ready meals, sauces & desserts, homemade chutney’s, a variety of oils, vinegars, artisan bread, homemade cakes, homemade sausage rolls, homemade scotch eggs, Homemade pork pies, and many other larder ingredients.
Due to the Lockdown we are unable to hold a big launch, however we are very excited and looking forward to welcoming you. 

Ray's Larder Kitchen will be open:
  • Tuesday to Friday: 9am till 3pm
  • Saturday mornings: 9am until 1.30pm. 
  • Free Local deliveries available on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
  • Minimum order of £30 

Please ensure that you respect and follow the government guidelines whilst waiting to enter the shop. We will be allowing 2 people in the shop at a time. Whilst queueing, please remain 2 meters apart and wear a mask to protect yourselves, others and especially our NHS. 

I am very excited to be sharing this news with you and hope you will join me for the journey."

Ray’s Italian Kitchen & Larder Kitchen
11 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QF
01590 645300


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