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10 December 2020

Drone footage of Sea Defence Repairs

Graeme Blackwood has recorded a fascinating record of the rebuilding of the sea defences for Milford on Sea.

Graeme has create a record of the repairs from the air using a drone.

To visit his page to view his films please click here


The 'Save Milford from the Sea' Facebook Group has been set up to 'To make Milford-on-Sea residents aware of the consequences for the village of failure to repair the sea wall and maintain coastal defences.'

This Facebook Page has a fascinating insight into the issues, progress and details on a petition to save the sea defences long-term.

To visit the Facebook Group please click here.


  1. Congrats, David! I know just how hard you work to keep this going! I ran the first Milford-on-Sea Website. Happy Christmas and may we all have a safe and wonderful 2021

    Sarah T M Bell

  2. Thank you Sarah, I remember your website very well, in fact it was pioneering as it was in the very early days of the web and must have been one of the very first community blogs. There was also lot of village news and history in your pages which I am sure many will have enjoyed. I hope you are well and have a great Christmas. Regards, David


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