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06 June 2020

Barry Jolly presented Local History Award

The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society are delighted to announce that the Editor of our long standing Occasional Magazine, Barry Jolly, has been presented with “The Local History Award for personal achievement for 2020” by the British Association for Local History. 

The purpose of BALH is to encourage and assist the study of local history throughout Great Britain as an academic discipline and as a rewarding leisure pursuit for both individuals and groups. 

These awards for personal achievement in services to local history are presented annually as a means of publicly honouring those who have made a significant voluntary contribution to local history. The aim is to identify and publicise good practice in whatever form it appears. This might be supporting a local history society or museum, teaching and lecturing, writing and publishing, but, most importantly, enthusing others to appreciate the history of their locality. 

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BALH annual awards are also made for a society newsletter, and to encourage research and publication. Further details may be found on the website www.balh.org.uk @BALHNews. 

The Award to Barry Jolly is for “Promotion of local history of Milford-on-Sea through local and national journals, events and exhibitions”. 

Barry has researched the family of Mrs M A T Whitby of Newlands in Milford over many years. As Mrs Whitby came from a naval family herself before marrying another naval officer, Captain John Whitby, his research has extended to cover Admiral Sir William Cornwallis and the other admirals of Milford, of whom there have been many. His output of articles, which have now been published in national and international journals, is prodigious. 

He was one of the leading organisers of the Cornwallis Remembered celebrations in Milford and of the “Command of the Seas: The Navy and the New Forest Against Napoleon” exhibition at St Barbe Museum and Art Gallery in 2019. He has also given a number of talks to local organisations. As Editor of the Society’s Occasional Magazine, he has done much to create a readable and respected, but thoroughly researched, source of information on Milford’s history. 


The Milford on Sea Historical Record Society has an excellent website with a lot of information and old pictures of Milford on Sea in the past. To visit the website; please click here.

The MOSHRS normally meet every quarter where you can hear an interesting talk and meet people from across the village. There are also annual visits to places of interest. Membership is just £10. 

To find out more; please click here.

MoS Historical Record Society

Chairman: Chris Hobby

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