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10 April 2020

Milford Claps for the NHS

For the third week now, people across the UK have come out of their homes at 8pm on a Thursday to show their appreciation for the NHS workers and all they are doing at this difficult time.

The picture sent to us below shows people in Gillingham Road, and this scene was reflected right across Milford on Sea.

When participating, it is hard not to reflect on what this actually means; and to feel true respect and appreciation for these wonderful people - and a deep wish that they all stay well and safe.

It is funny, yet heart-warming how this caring community action stirs so much spontaneous emotion.

Residents of Gillingham Road
Clapping for the NHS
click image to enlarge
There are so many people we must be thankful of; our individual volunteers in the village, restaurants working to keep us fed, the village supermarkets, village shops & pharmacies still providing services and vital deliveries, the carers still looking after the elderly & vulnerable in the village, ...and nationally the nurses, doctors, porters, home carers, takeaways, supermarket workers, factory workers, delivery drivers, postal workers, police, binmen, council workers, chemists, taxi drivers, public transport workers, communication & IT providers, TV & radio stations, my son (keeping peoples gas heating going) and so many more key workers who are looking after people and putting others before themselves, and also keeping the country functioning.

Keep your spirits up everybody, there are many, many people helping us all to get through this.

Stay well and safe, and if you can smile!

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