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20 April 2020

Can you help with some urgent sewing for the NHS?

We have had this important request from Larry Anthony, Secretary of Rotary Club of Becton and District in support of New Forest Sewing for the NHS

We need your help

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to enlarge
Ladies and Gents... Our local hospitals are due to run out of PPE in the next couple of days so right now we need your help! 

Everyone that is not currently making scrubs, please can you stop making bags etc and have a go at making gowns? 

They are made from recycling bags and I am sure we all have a couple of spare recycling bags laying around somewhere in that kitchen cupboard?! 

We are setting a goal of 300 to be made and delivered by this Friday! I'm sure we can smash this.

Our NHS are relying on people like us... Please let us know when you have them ready and we will get them picked up ASAP. Go Go Go... 

(Before anyone asks; yes they are accepting these in the hospital, already confirmed today!

The pattern is on a Facebook post with a video of how to go about it!  Please click here to view.

Best Regards,

Larry Anthony
Rotary Club of Becton & District in support of 

New Forest Sewing for the NHS

If you are handy with a sewing machine, and able to help, please contact Larry at: secretary@bectonrotary.org.uk

Becton Rotary Club have also set up a a Just Giving page to help raise the funds required to maintain an adequate supply of materials to make other useful items. To find out more or to donate please click here.

Donations of any size are gratefully received. As we write they have £490 of a £1000 target.

1 comment:

  1. We have plenty of spare recycling bags that I am very happy to donate to anyone who is making gowns. Unfortunately, I am unable to help make any but would like to help in some way.

    If anyone wants the bags please comment and I'll leave them out for collection (The Old Mill Barnes Lane).


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