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13 February 2019

New Lip Reading Course

Everybody mumbling? Guessing what is being said? Feeling isolated or left out?

Joining a class is a significant step towards enhancing life with hearing loss and is very entertaining.

The village is having a Lip Reading Course to help the 1 in 6 who suffer from hearing loss.

The courses held last year earlier were appreciated so much, that there will be a third Beginners class starting on 15th March 2019.

With the guidance of a lively tutor whose motto is "No-one can fail a Lip Reading Course". People who attended last time were by the end more confident in asking people to speak more slowly or look at them and help them to hear in other ways (in this way reducing their sense of isolation). They also learned not to apologise for their hearing loss and most importantly, to develop skills in interpreting/understanding what people might be saying.

This course is highly recommended for those living with hearing loss, and it is also helpful for couples to learn together.

The 8 week course will be held from 10 am to 12 noon on Friday mornings in All Saints Church Hall starting on 15th March 2019

For more details contact Christine Luxon on:
 01590 719286 or alecluxon@hotmail.com or visit the Lip Reading table at the Big Info Event coming soon.

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