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Christmas Dining in Milford on Sea

23 October 2017

Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal

Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal - Operation Christmas Child is one of the world's largest children's Christmas projects. 

They will be holding workshops at All Saints' Church Hall on Wednesday 1st November and 15th November 2017 between 2pm to 3.30pm to fill shoeboxes with goodies for children aged 2 to 14. 

Thr group has already had one successful workshop and they desperately need more donations of the following in order to fill the shoeboxes: Beanie hats, face cloths, toothpaste, bars of soap (no liquids allowed), small toys (especially something for the older boys), hairbrushes and hair bobbles for the girls. 

Please take any item you can donate to put in a shoe box to the All Saints' Church Office on Tuesday to Thursday mornings between 9am and 12 noon. Thanks!

 Any further details from Beverley on 01590 643427.

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