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26 July 2017

Another Flower and Produce Show Success

The annual Milford Flower and Produce Show was held at All Saints’ Church Hall, Milford-on-Sea on Saturday 15th July 2017.

This year’s show was very well supported and there were more competition entries than last year.Once more there were a lot of entries by children, including the Guides, Cubs, Brownies, Rainbow and Milford Preschool. 

The Challenge cup for the overall winner with most points this year was David Badham, who also won the Weatherhead cup for most points in Vegetables. the Joanne Weatherhead cup for the best exhibit for Vegetables was awarded to Tony Hales, a newcomer.

In the Fruit section the most points scored was for Hilary Sullivan who was awarded The Polson cup. Sue Tennant had the best exhibit and was awarded the Jim Asher cup

There were several new entrants this year and the Liz Jones Cup for newcomers was won by John Welsh

In the Flower section section the Dorothy Nightingale cup was awarded to Christine Twyford, the overall winner. The Margaret King cup for best 3 Rose stems was won by Carol Dickman, while the Fairbairn Rose plate for the best single Rose bloom was won by Peter Beasley. The best exhibit in Flowers was Diana Cobbett who won the Presidents cup.

The Floral Art section had 8 lovely contributions. The Lucey Bowl for ‘A Midsummer night’s dream’ was awarded to Sue Erler who also won the 

Danby cup for her ‘Alpine miniature’ For ‘Dining in Style’, Carole Barnett was awarded the Molly Miller cup. The Hatchard bowl was awarded to Christine Calder for ‘Alice through the Looking Glass’.

There were many entries for the Coffee and Walnut cake, in the Produce Section and the winner was Sue Digby. A good number of children entered the Chocolate brownies and men entered the Rock cakes.The overall winner was Diana Cobbett who won the Patterson Produce Cup.

There were several entries for the Childrens’ section and the Scarecrow this year was won by Milford Rainbows for ‘Mary Mary Quite Contrary’ complete with Silver bells and Cockle shells. They were awarded the Helen Cookson cup.

The prize for the best child’s entry, The George Dowland cup, was awarded to Lucy Webb.

For the most points in Handicrafts particularly the Pottery class Marie Rooney won the John Pither cup. Of the several lovely paintings of ‘Coastal’ the winner was Joyce Grainger.

Lucy Webb won the Photography Frame for the best entry in the photography section,a good achievement as she entered in the adult part of the section. 

At the end of the show the chairman thanked everyone who supported the show and all the entrants for their considerable efforts. He also thanked his hard working committee and all the helpers who made the show great success again this year.

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