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18 July 2017

A Thank You to Our Shops

We have received the message below from Ian Pearson.

Ian was born in Milford on Sea and now lives in Paynesville City, Victoria, Australia.

"I don't know if my message is appropriate for your page, if not, I understand, but if so, please feel free to copy and paste the following..........

I've recently returned from Australia to the village into which I was born to care for my terminally ill father and to organise care for my mother who now has advanced dementia.

They have lived in Milford for nearly sixty years - immigrants from the grim north!

All I wanted to say is a heartfelt thank you to many of the shops in the village. Due to her condition, she had often been found confused and a little lost in the village, and was helped by so many local traders. To them.....known and unknown, I would like to extend my thanks for the many examples of kindness and help they have given.

The sense of community and the uniqueness of the village obviously still burns as strongly as it did in my childhood and for generations before.

Be proud, genuine villagers. You have something unique and very special. 

My life has taken me across the world, but I will still always consider this to be home. 

So, to those who have helped - known and unknown. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart."

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