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18 November 2016

Milford Arts and Music Festival 2017 – End of the road?

This year the village had a particularly successful Milford on Sea Arts & Music Festival in terms of numbers attending and levels of enjoyment. From Dolly on the Thursday, through to Coldplay on Saturday and to the orchestra and chorus finale on Sunday - the event was ultimately a memorable occasion on many levels. 

As the weekend was fortunate weather wise the organising committee able to make a surplus financially and in turn, have been able to help local groups in the village. The Green Club, which helps elderly village residents, and the village library both received £500 donations and £4000 will go towards the fund to establish a village minibus which will benefit many village groups.

However, the organising committee now find themselves in a difficult position. Several members have announced their intention to stand down after the 2017 Festival. 

Particularly key are the roles of bar manager and booking the acts for Friday and Saturday. The team may also be losing at least 2 other members. Therefore, they need to recruit new members as soon as possible so that they can work alongside the existing team and gain a full understanding of what the role involves before taking over for 2018. 

Sadly as these roles are crucial if replacements cannot be found then everyone has to face the possibility that 2017 may be the last festival. As we have already lost the village carnival it would be a great loss to be unable to continue this wonderful event.

If you, or anyone you know may be able to help please contact the festival team on: committee@milfordfestival.org.uk and Save The Festival!

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