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11 March 2015

Save Our Village Post Office

A group of local Milford on Sea village residents are considering forming a group of organisers and investors to purchase the Milford on Sea Post Office in the high street, in order to maintain postal services for the village. 

At some time or other, it is likely we all find our local Post Office useful, and many of our more elderly residents actually find it vital.

Purchasing the Post Office would be no mean feat, and an expensive exercise, as the property also includes a substantial flat upstairs.

The initial concept would be that a company would be set up, and anyone in the village could buy shares. The company would have Articles of Association to ensure that whilst the property is owned by the group, it would run as a Community Post Office with staff paid from shop profits and rental income from the flat, plus the income from the Post Office operation. This is simply a broad outline to get the juices flowing, and everything is up for discussion by those who get involved.

Whilst the investment is not designed to provide dividends for shareholders, the value of shares may have a capital appreciation based on future property values. The shares would be transferable by inheritance or purchase should a suitable shareholder be found.

There would be many hoops to jump through, not least coming to arrangements to run the Post Office under a new type of structure.

Naturally, there would be an awful lots of things to discuss and organise, but the initial group are confident that sufficient skills lay within the village from experts who may wish to get involved.

Naturally, the biggest challenge will be to raise the funds to found a company to purchase the Post Office.

So, to see if the project has any legs at all, if you are interested in getting involved in the organising group, or just find investing in this venture potentially worthwhile, please drop an e-mail to david@milfordonsea.org and your details will be passed on to the organising group.

If we lose the Post Office it is very unlikely the services will reappear anywhere else in the village. So if you would like this to happen please get in touch.

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