What's On

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26 February 2015

Milford Minnie in Fiennes Film

Proud dad, and village resident Mark Nineham was surprised to spot in the Community Centre 'What's On' magazine that Milford Movies will soon be screening the Ralph Fiennes film 'The Invisible Woman'. 

The reason for his pride, well, Mark's daughter Minnie was one of 3 children in the film and can be seen in one of the scenes where he walks down an alleyway in Old London Town.  

The scene was shot at Luton Hoo in 12th May 2014 and Mark said; "We had such a great day out. We had our own trailer, called to costume and then make up.....a real insight into the movie industry.  On the day we shot from 6pm until Midnight and Minnie was just a star and didn't complain once about being away from daddy and being held by a very strange woman!  I had to pop her into the scene each time with Ralph and he did comment once of 'hello cutie' to which of course I replied 'thank you!'"

I am sure Mark would let Minnie open the screening at Milford Movies if the audience want to meet an actual star from the film!  Minnie hasn't yet written an autobiography, but no doubt she would be happy to autograph copies of the 'What's On' magazine!

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