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17 August 2013

Twinning Milford with Paglieta

Town Twinning has always seemed a fun way to get to know another country, with the benefit of spending time with local people, who can show you the real country & customs, as well as building friendship and relationships.
You may already know that both Lymington and Hordle has successful Twinning Associations, and it would be nice if Milford on Sea also had their own Twinning Association.

Well, we now have an opportortunity. But.. and it is a big but, ..only if we can find someone to lead the project and enthusiastic volunteers to support on an organising committee.
To explain, I recently received an e-mail from Evadne Yeates on behalf of the Town Council of Paglieta, a small town near the Adriatic coast in central Italy. Interestingly, their population is very similar to ours.
Evadne told me of a recent Montgomery Day they had held, and a very interesting connection between Paglieta and a former Milford on Sea resident, Richard Carver. It is likely that you may have read the recent story about Richard Carver, Montgomery & the book 'Where the Hell Have You Been'. (If not, click here). 
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Evadne and Paglieta's Town Council are interested in exploring Milford on Sea & Paglieta becoming ‘twinned’.
Sadly, I am just too busy to start the whole thing up, or to be on the committee, but I would be happy to lend a hand where I could in the background, with things like marketing & publicity.
I dropped a line to the Parish Council, and they discussed the proposal at a recent meeting. Whilst they do not wish to set the association up, they are willing to endorse an association founded by local residents.
As far as I can ascertain, Twinning appears ‘something you just do’. The couple of sites below may be of interest: www.ccre.org | www3.hants.gov.uk/localpages/twintown.htm

Below you can see some scenes from Paglieta, it seems a prety place with much to explore.

Anyway, to the point, to set up and run a Milford on Sea Twinning Association we need a leader & driver, plus an enthusiastic supporting committee. To establish our own Twinning Association some work and organisational skills willl be needed, and along the way it should be fun!
If you are interested in leading or being on the organising committee for the formation of Milford on Sea Twinning Association please drop me an e-mail: david@milfordonsea.org - It can only happen if people step forward, so if you want this to become a reality, please do not sit and watch, get involved - it should be fun!
About Paglieta: The couple of sites below may be of interest: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paglieta | www.comune.paglieta.ch.it 

Some scenes from Paglieta:

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Lymington & District Town Twinning Association

Hordle Twinning Association

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