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28 January 2013

MoS Neighbourhood Plan Website

As part of the Milford on Sea Parish Council  community engagement work in respect of the Neighbourhood Plan a new website has now been launched: www.ourplan.org.uk 

The aim of the new website is to keep everyone in the community up to date with the progress being made and to act as a channel for feedback as the Plan develops.

The website will take you to various pages giving background information on the Neighbourhood Plan, the approach, the progress, and the people involved, as well as copies of the documents most relevant to preparing the Plan.

The Parish Council is building on the very successful Vision 2020 Milford on Sea Action Plan which was prepared a few years ago. The aims, aspirations and actions in this plan have underpinned many of the recent decisions and initiatives of the Parish Council.

For the Neighbourhood Plan to be a success, it must reflect the wishes of the majority of the residents. You will see a ”Have Your Say” link which you can use to make your views known. In particular, they are asking for any new perspectives on Affordable Homes and Formal Public Open Space, as well as giving everyone the opportunity to participate in selecting the most favourable sites for development around the village settlement area.

The Steering Group invites input from all residents so please use the link below to let them have your thoughts and wishes, feedback on events and publications, and any other relevant comments you wish to make.

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