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12 November 2012

Total Voice Wow West Quay!

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Milford's very own Total Voice wow shoppers in West Quay!

Singers from Total Voice's Contemporary and Chamber Choirs joined together on Saturday 10th November to perform in West Quay Shopping Centre for the Southampton Hospital Charity, to raise further funds for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit following their concert in Milford last October.
This wonderful opportunity was embraced with great gusto by the choirs who thoroughly enjoyed singing songs including We Built This City, Paradise, Bridge Over troubled Water and Fields of Gold to all the Christmas Shoppers. Total Voice's directors' Christine Mulgrew and Victoria Hopkins also took the chance to try out the acoustics and sang a solo each, not wanting to pass up such an amazing opportunity!
The choirs went down extremely well and the hospital charity team were thrilled with their efforts and West Quay commented on the cheerful atmosphere created for shoppers.
It was a proud day for Total Voice in what has been an exciting year of performances.

If you would like to see more photo's. please click this link: http://bit.ly/TVLN4L



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