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15 October 2012

U3A Launched in Milford on Sea

A new U3A has been launched for people in Milford on Sea and the surrounding area.
U3A stands for the University of the Third Age, which is a self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment.
 The Inaugural Meeting will be on: Tuesday November 6th at 2pm Community Centre in Sea Road, and all “third agers”, and anyone else interested are encouraged to go along!
Local U3As organise interest groups, which draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members. The groups meet mainly during the day in members’ homes or use local facilities.
Members lead the groups themselves so the teachers learn and the learners teach. The U3A approach to learning is learning for pleasure. There is no accreditation or validation and there are no assessments or qualifications to be gained, and no one needs a qualification to lead a group.
At the launch meeting a wide range of topics were suggested, including Painting, Art Appreciation, Handicrafts, Social History, Local History, Genealogy, Spanish, French, Italian, Flower Arranging, Theatre trips, Outings, Computer Skills (beginners and improvers), Book Club, Walking, Current Affairs, Scrabble, Basic First Aid, Bridge, Yoga, Keep Fit, Music Appreciation, Choir, Mah Jong and many more.
At the meeting on November 6th you will hear more about the U3A and be able to think about which groups you would like to join. If you cannot make the meeting in November, the monthly general gatherings, usually with an entertaining speaker, will be on the first Tuesday of every month at 2pm in the Community Centre.
The membership for the initial period from now until the end of March will be £10. Members will be asked to make a small contribution to the cost of refreshments but there is no charge for attending a group.
A committee has been formed to establish the Milford on Sea U3A. If you would be interested in joining the steering committee or helping in any way please email the Chair, Bill Jowett billju3amos@btinternet.com or telephone 01590545180 or 01425638836 or 01590644039
So why not pop along and find out more?  I know this friendly new group are looking forward to meeting you!

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