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08 August 2012

Carnival Procession Coming

The Milford on Sea Carnival Procession is back this year, and the organisers are looking for some marshalls during the procession. 

They need around 20 marshalls to be on duty at several places around the route and so far they have only found 6 volunteers, so they are struggling a bit! 

All it takes is to stand by the barriers between 3pm and 6pm on the 25th August whilst the procession makes its way around the village. 

Many of teams usual helpers are either involved in the procession or away as it is a Bank Holiday weekend, so any additional help anyone can offer will be vital to the smooth running of the Procession, and of course you would be part of yet another special day in Milford on Sea.

If anyone can help please contact Steve Carter on:

scarter321@hotmail.com or on mobile 07795 034434.

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