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11 March 2012

Food Week Raffle Captain Needed

The raffle ticket sales at Milford on Sea Food Week are an important fund raiser in covering the cost of marketing and promoting Food Week.

In previous years we have been very fortunate to have had the raffle ticket team extremely well organised and co-ordinated, however this year our Raffle Team Captain is taking a well-earned break. Indeed, based on the fantastic sum raised in the past two years, a a bit of time off is very well deserved!

We are therefore looking for a ‘Raffle Team Captain’, or indeed a couple of willing ‘Raffle Captains’!   The role involves co-ordinating the raffle tickets rota, to ensure we have regular sellers across the village and at all of the larger events. We also need someone to make sure all sold raffle tickets stubs are collected and returned for the winners draw at the Food Market on Sunday 15th April.  Fortunately, we have a very enthusiastic raffle ticket seller team already, so you will not have to find the people to sell the tickets.

As always, we will also need more enthusiastic raffle ticket sellers from across the village. Joining the team is always fun and a great way to meet new people.

If you fancy being our ‘Raffle Captain’ (with or without a friend), or just as importantly, wish to be one of the raffle team sellers, please just drop me an email to let me know on the e-mail link below:

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