On arrival, the yacht (Altaire) had run aground and Ewan calmly performed CPR on the skipper. It appears he had suffered a heart attack & no pulse was evident. During the emergency, the single inexperienced crew member on the Altaire did all he could to help, and was understandably shocked & distressed.
The Hurst Castle Ferry guys called the Coastguard and briefed the air crew what to expect whilst waiting for helicopter to take the patient to hospital. The Keyhaven river warden was also soon on the scene. Sadly, despite everyone’s valiant efforts, it appears the yacht skipper did not ultimately survive.
Reading a couple of blogs on the emergency, it appears Jason & Ewan were extremely calm and professional in a serious situation. And their swift action and seamanship were exemplary.
Knowing people like Jason & Ewan are around makes the world a better place.
Looking at this, I think Jason and Ewan are very professional in this kind of typical situations. Thanks for sharing this article.