The Milford on Sea Carnival is one of the highlights of our village summer. The event has raised money for good causes, and provided many days of fun for villagers & holidaymakers alike. At a recent open village meeting it was revealed that the carnival needs more floats joining the procession to keep it viable. The organising committee are also in dire need of some more ‘helping hands’. The current tough economic times are of course adding pressure to people participating, but the main success of any float is not really the cost, it is more to do with creativity & the simple willingness to be involved. Indeed, a number of ‘floats’ are now dressed vans, classic cars or ‘walking groups’, which enable more people to get involved, even if they do not have access to a lorry. Having watched the carnival for several years, it is a great day of ‘old fashioned village life’ which achieves a simple aim of bringing people together. The carnival crosses all age boundary’s, it is great to see the young one’s beaming faces & the adults dressed in costumes they would never normally consider! The smiles run from one end of the village to the other when everyone enters the spirit of the day.
Our Milford on Sea Carnival is organised by the Milford on Sea Village Community Committee, which was founded in 1977 to create the village celebrations for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee. Since then they have annually run the Carnival, the May Fayre & the Christmas ‘Carols on the Green’. Like some many great activities & events in our village, the Milford on Sea Carnival is run by a small group of dedicated volunteers.
It would be sad to think the carnival is under real threat due to dwindling support, but the event is of course totally dependent on local people getting involved. If you are a member of a local club or association, or run any type of local business, why not give some thought as to how you could be involved with a float next year? Alternatively, if you can spare a few hours as an individual volunteer, this would also be gratefully received. There is a real chance we may have seen our last village carnival unless more people step forward to help run the event, or join the procession. Let’s not lose this ‘old time’ tradition from our seaside village.
To get involved or lend a hand please contact:
Ray Sales, Milford on Sea Village Community Committee Chairman on 01590 643149 | e-mail:
Milford on Sea Carnival website:
Milford on Sea Carnival website:
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