What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




04 December 2009

It all happening with Milford on Sea Food Week.

Since the launch of Milford on Sea Food Week a few weeks ago, things have really take off. We now have scores of events being planned, spanning across the whole week, and we have loads of local businesses, clubs & individuals which have already volunteered to join in. Throughout Food Week the village will be alive with dining offers & themed events, cookery experiences & demonstrations, educational events & talks, children’s fun cooking competitions, & the chance to buy local produce at our very own food market.

There are events for every age group run by various local eateries, clubs & organisations. We are going to put on some great entertainment for everyone in the village throughout the week, & hopefully also draw in plenty of visitors to boost our local village trade. The plan is to finalise the events before Christmas & then to start our publicity campaign in the new year. We are also looking for your favourite recipes to add to our online ‘Recipe Book Page’, simply e-mail your recipe to me & I will add it. We are hoping we can collect enough recipes to print a ‘village recipe book’ for the year after our first Food Week. You can also donate your old recipe books with Lesley at Sullivan Mitchell Estate Agents, Lesley already has recipe books there for people to now swap or buy, with all profits going to the Community Centre.

If you want to add a new event to Food Week, it’s not too late to join us, simply let me know that you would like to get involved, we are up for any ideas! Finally, If you are planning to go away next Easter why not change your plans, the Food Week starts on Easter Bank Holiday Monday & events run every day through to the following Sunday, when the finale is a Food Market in the High Street. Why not stay at home & join in the events – it will be fun! To see what we have planned so far please visit Milford on Sea Food Week website. http://www.milfordonseafoodweek.org/

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