What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




22 January 2014

Dorsal Fin to Party at Food Week

click image to enlarge
To ensure that Food Week rocks, we are having a Village Party Night, - and everyone is invited!

Dorsal Fin are one of the south coast's top soul and rock bands, play a range of everyone's favourite funk, soul, blues, rock and pop. One thing is fr sure, Dorsal Fin are well known for getting any party going!

The party will suit all ages, and is a great opportunity to get together with friends, or family, or to just come along and meet new people. You can get on the dance floor, or sit at the many tables to simply to enjoy the music and watch the action!

During the evening everyone can also enjoy one of Dave Gates award-winning sausages in a Hot Dog.

Dave has been making his own sausages (& bacon) for many years, and a visit to 'The Butchers Shop' opposite the village green will see the walls adored with numerous certificates and awards.

click image to enlarge
The Village Party Night will take place at South Lawn Hotel on Thursday 10th April starting from 8pm until late. Entry will be £8 for all tickets bought in advance, including your hot dog.

Dorsal Fin is a six piece Milford on Sea band featuring Tom Flatau on Bass, Kole Flatau Vocals, Pippa Westerman Vocals, Martin Fairhurst on Drums, Phil Hill on Keyboards, and Pete Vogel on Guitar.

Dorsal Fin


Tickets on Sale Now: £8 including a Dave Gates Hot Dog - Available from the Community Centre Box Office or Online Ticket Office - click here.

10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised showsclick here to find out more.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

Were you a 1st Milford Brownie?

This year sees a very special celebration for 1st Milford on Sea Brownies in Milford. Not only is it 100 years since the start of Brownies but it is also the 90th Birthday of our very own 1st Milford on Sea Brownie Unit!

1st Milford on Sea Brownies was registered on 30th August 1923 and continues to go from strength to strength. We have a full unit of 24 Brownies with more on our waiting list, four qualified leaders, a Young Leader and two Brownie Helpers.

On Monday 21 April, 2014 we will be holding a very special 90th Birthday Party. We would like to hear from as many former 1st Milford on Sea Brownies and Leaders as possible with a view to recording their favourite memory from Brownies and inviting them to our party. Our celebration is in the planning stages at the moment so please watch this space.

If you were previously a member of 1st Milford Brownies, at any point, or you know someone who was, please get in touch by calling Rebecca Webb (Brownie Leader) on 01590 641644 or emailing milfordbrownies@gmail.com. They would love to hear from you.

Footnote: As a young lad I tried to join the Brownies on several occasions, but apparently 'the cubs were better for me'. I begged to differ, but my protestations fell on deaf ears. In spite of my disappointments years ago, I will of course be donning my brown uniform, shaving my legs and seeing if I can sneak into the party without being noticed!

19 January 2014

Shappi Almost Sold Out

click image to enlarge
Tickets for Shappi Khorsandi's performance in the Comedy & Cake Show are almost sold out.

If you want to come along, be quick and please order your tickets as soon as possible from the link below. 96 of the 120 tickets have already been sold!

To find out more about Shappi and the show please click here.


Tickets on Sale Now: £15 incl. a Slice of Cake made by Nicola at Yum  - Available from the Community Centre Box Office or Online Ticket Office - click here.

10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised showsclick here to find out more.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

15 January 2014

Your editor is emigrating!

Well we are all packed, the car is loaded with curry sauces and other associated essentials, my wife is in the boot, dogs in the front, and we are now emigrating to French France. 

Leaving Milford on Sea will not be easy, but the delights of Deauville on the Cote de Fleurie are also hard to resist even in winter. Having emigrated there a number of times before we are excited about our latest adventure. Our new French seafront home now awaits, and I suspect we may arrive to a surprise civic reception, street party and many kisses from the mayor.

Unfortunately for you, the wonders of e-mail and the internet will keep us in touch and the Milford on Sea News Bulletin will continue, however it is being renamed 'Le Bulletin de Nouvelles' to fit in with our new lifestyle. Although it may be a little less frequent, and it may have a slightly French flavour. Should anyone have any problems when I inadvertently drop my ramblings into French, I am sure Lionel at La Perle will be happy to translate for you.

Our regular readers will know that I need no improvement to my French language skills and etiquette, as these were perfected on our last emigration to France. 

Whilst I am rarely understood by the French people I meet, or generally accost, I suspect this can only be a regional accent issue. Indeed, once attired with a beret and hooped tee shirt I am often mistaken for a native Frenchman. 

Mon épouse continues to insist that a month or so in France is not ‘emigration’ but simply a ‘ridiculously long holiday’, but I think she is technically incorrect. 

She also insists that wearing a beret and drinking Pastis every day does not mean that I will become half French. However my penchant for baguette, cheese & French wine (particularly wine) I think proves that I am indeed nearly French already.

I have already enquired how long it will take for us to become French citizens, so next time you see me I will be eligible for a starring role in Les Miserables.

Au revoir mes amis!

13 January 2014

Fond Memories of Freda

It was with sadness that we heard of the passing of Freda Cheney, a major village personality & heart of the community for many years.

Freda's life was eloquently covered on the 29th November 2013 by the Daily Echo. Excerpts from the story are below:

"Lifelong community stalwart Freda Cheyney has died at Southampton General Hospital aged 93.
Something of an institution in the New Forest village of Milford on Sea, which, with nearby Everton, was her home for more than 80 years. Mrs Cheyney was renowned for her work with the Women’s Section of the local Royal British Legion, Milford Guides, charities and community events.
Freda Cheyney (centre)
 with two other former
Milford Guide Guiders
She was a member of the RBL Women’s Section from 1939, joining just a few months before the start of the Second World War, in which her father was wounded She served as chairman and as standard bearer to both the Milford and Hampshire RBL Women’s Sections, and on the central committee in London.

For 74 years she collected for the Poppy Appeal and organised holidays for service widows, and she was awarded Life Membership in 1980.
She joined the Guides when she was 12, and was in uniform for 53 years in various posts, including district commissioner. She was captain of the Milford Company for 45 years until 1986 when she retired under company rules.
Freda opening new Boots branch
in Milford on Sea High Street
Mrs Cheyney was born in London but her family moved to Everton in 1930, and she attended Milford on Sea School. She married printer Richard Cheyney in 1963 after a 27-year friendship, and they remained together until he died in 2000.

For 39 years she worked with engineering firm L. Nicholson & Co, until it closed in 1977, and she later worked as an office manager in a New Milton garage, retiring in 1986.
Mrs Cheyney founded the Lymington branch of the Guide Dogs for the Blind charity in 1962, she helped on the Milford Village Committee organising the Milford on Sea Carnival and other events, particularly a fundraising Duck Race.

In the 2002 New Years Honours she was made an MBE for her services to the community.
In 2011, past and present members of Milford Guides gathered to mark Mrs Cheyney’s 90th birthday alongside the 90th anniversary of their group, which she headed for nearly half a century."

Quite a life by anyone's standards, and a rare person who did so much for others for so long.

Freda will be fondly remembered by her friends and all that knew her.

12 January 2014

Are You a Village Newcomer?

At the beginning of each year a ‘Newcomers Supper’ is held for all newcomers to the village at All Saints Church Hall in Milford on Sea.

This year the supper will be held on Saturday 1st March 2014. Anyone that is new to the village since February 2013 is able to apply for an invitation and the event is entirely free. 

The Milford on Sea Newcomers Supper evening consists of two parts. In the first hour or so, there is a ‘mini exhibition’, where you can wander around and informally meet representatives from the many clubs, associations & organisations in the village. They can tell you anything you want to know, and if you fancy getting involved you can. This is then followed by a sit down supper with the chance to meet new people & have a bit of fun.

Most years the event has over a hundred people attending, and it is a great way to meet new people, and to get a warm welcome to your new home. The village is full of friendly people and the ‘Newcomers Supper’ is a fast-track way of getting to know all about our village life.

The ‘Newcomers Supper’ is funded & hosted by all of the churches in the village & tirelessly organised by Ruth Bufton. The event is by invitation only, so if you are new to the village this year & would like to come along please contact: Ruth Bufton on: ruth.bufton@btinternet.com or 01590 641875

Corrie comes to Food Week

Sean Wilson, is best known as a soap star, after 21 years playing Martin Platt on Coronation Street.

Today Sean is an accomplished chef and award-winning artisan cheese maker. He has his very own company called The Saddleworth Cheese Company with whom he has won a Gold Medal at the World Cheese Awards in both 2011 and 2012.

Most recently Sean has had his own ‘Great Northern Cookbook’ TV series and has published a cookbook of the same name.

Join Sean to hear about his journey from the cobbles to the cheese making urn, with some tips on what makes great cheese, and a few of his light-hearted life stories along the way.

 From Corrie To Cheesemaker with Sean Wilson

Tickets on Sale Now: £10 - Kids: £3 - Available from the Community Centre Box Office or Online Ticket Office - click here.
10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised showsclick here to find out more.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

New Novel from Village Author

Local village author Sally Winter is celebrating the recent publication of her novel “Rhubarbs and Circuses”.

The story is a dark, mind-bending drama about greed, passion and loss: set between modern day London and World War 2.

Sally, from Milford on Sea, spent seven years writing the novel, which is based on the exploits of the little-known female Air Transport Auxiliary pilots (ATA Girls) who flew all types of military aircraft including Spitfires and Lancaster bombers between air bases during WW2. These girls, some as young as 21 were tasked with flying alone, in all weathers, with no navigation systems, radio or armaments to ferry the aircraft the length and breadth of Britain as part of the war effort.

During her research and development stage, Sally met and interviewed two of the few remaining ATA Girls - Mary Ellis and Joy Lofthouse, both now well into their 90’s who were happy to talk about their adventures. It is hoped that one of them may be able to attend the book launch.

Commented Sally “Meeting these plucky ladies was a humbling experience which made me even more determined to have their story told whilst they are still with us. Their selfless bravery has for the most part been overshadowed by the glamour of the RAF and forgotten until very recently. I hope that this novel serves as a fitting tribute to their valiant part of the war effort.

Since writing the novel, Sally has attracted the full support of the RAF who are assisting her efforts to develop the story into a feature film. A screenplay has already been written from the novel and Sally is meeting with a film producer this month, so watch this space for updates.

• “Rhubarbs and Circuses” is available as a kindle download from Amazon at http://tinyurl.com/morajom, and also as an early-edition signed paperback direct from Sally via sally@rhubarbsandcircuses.com

• “Rhubarbs and Circuses” were two RAF terms used during WW2 to denote certain types of tactical operation.

• More information about the ATA can be found at the official museum website www.atamuseum.org.

07 January 2014

Damp Beach Hut Going Cheap

Have you ever fancied a beach hut on Milford on Sea seafront for the balmy days of summer?

Damp Beach Hut For Sale!
(Click Sky News image above to enlarge)
Just think, adhoc BBQ's on the beach, ...a glass of wine or two watching the panoramic sunset, ...precious time laughing with family & friends, ...romantic kisses with the sound of the sea in the background, ...Sunday mornings reading the newspaper in a deckchair whilst bacon sizzles on your single electric ring, ...or a quick skinny dip with a shapely mermaid. (Perhaps the last one is just for me!)

I am sure we have all heard the amazing prices some beach huts go for, and some owners dress them as well as their own homes, by decorating them with candy stripes, beach memorabilia and sea flotsam.

You may have noticed that the past three weeks has not been the best weather! Indeed record storms, The Marine car park flooded, roof tiles in pieces on the floor, horizontal rain flashing past the window, thunder, lightning, waves constantly scaling the top of the beach huts, and our friends fence gone, as a fallen giant tree's root ball smashed it into matchsticks.

(Click Sky News image above to enlarge)

Anyway, back to the perfect summer beach hut.

To assist any potential sellers, Sky News kindly send a helicopter into the sky above Milford on Sea yesterday, and took aerial shots of your next potential summer home.

A few bargains may be around right now. You may have to buy one without a door, and with a metre of beach pebbles inside, but that can be fixed in a matter of weeks, ...just in time for the storms expected in March. Just think, the sun will be back for a short while in a few months and then you could have a couple of days living the dream!

If you are interested in buying a concrete box with a tin roof, please contact:

PS: Should you buy one, we know a very good man for repairs and storm damage rebuilds!

MCV: January Newsletter

Milford Conservation Volunteers - January Newsletter
It’s been a fairly soggy fortnight, so I don’t imagine many people are treading on their gardens right now. A good time perhaps to review wildlife friendly planting plans for the coming year, consult the catalogues, browse through the gardening books. Maybe, like many of us, you have small branches and twigs that have come down in the high winds. Why not make a wood pile? Insects and small mammals can use it to make a home.
Small changes can bring big benefits to insects, who in their turn will help your garden to bloom in the summer, so even one new plant would be helpful and some useful early nectar plants are available in garden centres now. Pulmonaria and the low growing Mahonia “Oregon Grape” are tidy plants which can find a place in most gardens. Sedums also have a neat ability to tuck into a small corner, though obviously they are later flowering. A wonderfully useful Spring plant is the Ribes or flowering currant, though it certainly doesn’t justify the word “neat”.

Of course, if you’re planning a major habitat change, you may need to work out your detailed planting scheme more carefully.If, for example, you wish to make a small spring meadow in a raised bed, you still have time to remove any surface vegetation and add it to your compost heap. Assuming the raised bed is reasonably drained, you can then sow the seeds and compact the soil by walking on it. Flowers should begin to appear in April/May and this type of meadow is mown in July. Help seed set by not removing clippings for 3 days, then leave it to grow until Autumn. Mow again and add any different seeds or plugs you want to increase the diversity. Such a little raised bed meadow will do wonders for your local wildlife, from summer butterflies to winter seed-searching finches.

Don’t forget we are local gardeners and if you would like any help or advice please contact us on info@milfordcv.org

Happy Gardening – more next month

Milford Conservation Volunteers

Renovations at The Beach House

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The Beach House renovations are now underway and the Milford on Sea pub restaurant will be temporarily closed from Jan 2nd 2014 until late April 2014 for a major transformation.
Since Hall & Woodhouse took over Westover Hall in May 2012, and relaunched it as The Beach House Pub Restaurant, it has gone from strength to strength, building itself a reputation for good value & quality food, excellent ales and friendly service.
The obvious popularity with locals, holiday makers and families, has no doubt encouraged Hall & Woodhouse to invest a significant seven figure sum in the refurbishment.
The work will be sympathetically completed to protect the integrity of the beautiful Grade II listed Victorian mansion built in 1897, which features a restored oak-panelled interior, stained glass windows and vintage furniture.
The refurbishment will include essential maintenance work, a new staircase down to a new toilet facilities, and a comfortable bar in the magnificent grand hall. 
Sadly, The Beach House will be in the final stages of refurbishment when Milford on Sea Food Week takes place from Monday 7th April to Sunday 13th April. However the owners, Hall & Woodhouse have become very generous sponsors of the Food Week Information Centre. The brewing team will also be holding a very interesting and free Badger Ales Master Class on the Food Week Friday, when you can come and discover the world of Badger Ales. Hall & Woodhouse have been brewing beer since 1777, and you will discover how their award-winning range of Badger bottled ales are craft brewed using only the finest ingredients, combined with Dorset spring water, and there will even be a small taste or two.  The Hall & Woodhouse team will also give some tasty tips on how cook with Badger ales.
The Food Week programme will also contain a Free Bottle of Wine Voucher for when The Beach House reopens.
The Beach House has 14 En-Suite rooms with stunning sea views as well as offering award winning Badger cask ales, lagers from around the world and a menu full of fresh, seasonal dishes cooked by a team of talented chefs, using quality ingredients from their regional food partners.
The Beach House Pub Restaurant
Park Lane
Milford on Sea
SO41 0PT
01590 643044

New Website for Community Centre

Milford on Sea Community Centre has itself a brand new and shiny website.
The website contains a raft of information, from the box office with a wide variety of shows and entertainment, details on regular events such as Milford Movies.  The site also covers all of the clubs & classes held in the Community Centre, plus information how you can hire the building for your own event.
It also has details on the Community Centre Cafe, which has free internet access from 9am to 4pm on weekdays and 10am to 1pm on Saturdays.
The new website was designed by Community Centre committee member, Victoria Hopkins, and built by Clive Price of Spartina Design, which is an established web development business run by Clive and Lisa Price and based in Milford on Sea.

To check out the new website please visit: www.moscommunitycentre.org.uk
Milford on Sea Parish Council: Clive and Spartina Design has also rebuilt the Milford on Sea Parish Council website. To view please visit: www.milfordonsea.org.uk

Milford on Sea Village Community Centre
2 Sea Road
Milford on Sea
SO41 0PU
01590 644861
Spartina Design
7 Swallow Drive
Milford on Sea
SO41 0XD
01590 641720-07842 259356


Snooker on Grass

Ever played Croquet properly, nope, me neither.
However, it appears that a number of Milford on Sea residents do play the game with Lymington Croquet Club, and the club is very interested in welcoming more members from the village.
Croquet is an extremely sociable sport and is now very egalitarian. It is relatively inexpensive and appeals to a wide range of abilities and ages.
At Lymington Croquet Club, which has its lawn in Woodside Gardens, club sessions are held several times a week from spring to autumn, often with a tea break in the middle, and new members soon feel at home. Free tuition in both variants of the game is available and new members can use club mallets until they find out what weight and length suit them best
If you fancy trying your hand with a mallet and ball, please contact Sheila Ward on 01590 671205 - sheilaward@talktalk.net
About Croquet: The origins of croquet are obscure. However we know that it was introduced to England from Ireland in the 1830s. From the late 19th century it grew very rapidly in popularity, being an agreeable pastime for the upper classes, while being played on equal terms by men and women, the old and the young. At the height of its popularity croquet spread throughout the Empire. But when lawn tennis took off, croquet declined in popularity and many courts were turned over to the new game. Indeed, the dimension of a tennis court owes itself to two fitting snugly within the area of one croquet court.
It is said that snooker probably owes its origins to croquet. One description of croquet in common use is 'snooker on grass', since the range of skills and tactics, allied to superb hand-eye co-ordination, is similar to that of snooker. A theory, supported by strong circumstantial evidence, suggests that in the rainy season in India, when croquet could not be played, an indoor version was devised. Based on the already established game of billiards, it had green baize instead of grass, six pockets instead of six hoops, multi-coloured balls were retained and the two games have much in common in terms of estimating angles, devising breaks, etc.
Croquet is played on a lawn or 'court' of flat, closely-mown grass (similar to bowls). There are six cast-iron hoops set firmly into the ground, and a peg. Balls, four to a game, each weigh one pound and have a diameter which, in top-class competition, is only 1/32" less than the inside width of a hoop. Mallets typically weigh three pounds.
There are two main variants of the game played in the UK: Golf Croquet and Association Croquet. In Golf Croquet the objective of each player is to get his ball(s) though each hoop first. When the first hoop is scored, all players move on to the second hoop, and so on. Each turn comprises only one stroke. The merit of Golf Croquet is simplicity, and an analogy between it and 'Association Croquet' is like that between draughts and chess.
In Association Croquet a large number of different strokes are used to achieve various aims. Once one ball is struck ('roqueted') it allows two further strokes - the croquet stroke, where the player's ball is placed next to the ball roqueted and both are struck, and a continuation stroke, in which another ball may be roqueted or a hoop run. In this way ‘breaks’ are established and a good player may take a ball through several hoops in one turn. In Association Croquet both of a player's balls have to go through every hoop (that is twelve - each is run in both directions) and hit the peg to win.
Lymington Croquet Club
Woodside Gardens
Rookes Lane
SO41 8FP

06 January 2014

Kids to Teach Silver Surfers

Ever looked at a computer screen and wondered what goes on in that funny little box? Ever heard people talk about Google, Twitter, E-Bay & Skype and wondered what planet they have come from?
Well, wonder no longer, the youngsters at Milford-on-Sea CE Primary School are looking to teach Silver Surfers the way around a computer on a couple of dates over the next couple of months.
You don't need to be a 'techy' at any level, you will simply learn the easiest way to use things that may be very useful to you.
A Silver surfer is a person of a certain age, who discovers the fascinating world of the computer - and that could be you!
If you would you benefit from some friendly, basic support in using computers and the internet? Some of the schools Y6 pupils would like to offer their help, and will be holding initial ‘Silver Surfer’ sessions in the School ICT Suite on the following dates:
• Wednesday 22nd January -9.30-11.30am
• Wednesday 5th February -9.30-11.30am

To book a place, please call the School Office on: 01590 642945.

03 January 2014

Get Fit with Cardio Tennis

Russell May, tennis coach at Milford Tennis Club, has come up with a novel way to get into shape with the launch of Cardio Tennis at the Club. This is a fun, tennis inspired way to keep fit, but no tennis skills are required to participate.
There are junior, ladies and mixed sessions of Cardio Tennis, all of which are open to non-members.
To find out more please contact the Russell on:
coaching@milfordtennisandsquashclub.net - 07793 539275
Milford Tennis Club are a thriving Club in the heart of Milford on Sea with over 500 members playing tennis, squash, bridge, mah-jong, table tennis etc, but I am sure there are lots of residents who have never heard of the club. They also have around 100 junior tennis members.

New members are always warmly welcomed. You can go along to visit any time, meet the friendly club members and see the excellent facilities.

The club has excellent Tennis section, with 7 all weather courts with full adult tennis and junior tennis programmes running throughout the year.
The Squash section enjoys two heated courts, with over 90 members playing social and competitive games.
You don't even need to play tennis, as they also offer a full range of other activities, including a social activities programme, an art group, bridge, table tennis and mah jong.

Find out more at: www.milfordtennisandsquash.net

Milford Tennis & Squash Club

Lucerne Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PL


02 January 2014

Verveine & La Perle go Thai!

You wouldn't expect to visit Verveine & La Perle and eat Thai?!  Well, you now can on the unique Thai Dining Tour on Saturday Lunchtime on 25th January.

The respective chef/patrons, David & Lionel, are looking forward to creating Thai themed dishes to surprise any of their regular customers, and to impress new ones!

THAI DINING TOUR | 3 Courses in 3 Restaurants
Saturday Lunchtime on 25th January
Enjoy a 3 course meal, with each course served in 3 different Milford on Sea village restaurants.

Spicy Canapés & Welcome Drink at Verveine
Asian Style Starter at La Perle
Main Course at Britannia Thai Restaurant

*Each course includes a non-alcoholic or paired drink. Other drinks at an additional charge.

*Tours start at 1pm: Meet at the first venue of your Dining Tour & then Stroll to each different course.

Tickets: £24 - click here to visit Ticket Office

Tickets can also be purchased in person by cash and with no booking fee at:
Community Centre Box Office, Sea Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PH - and
The Cave, 2 Church Hill, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QH

If you have any queries at all, please contact: info@greatdiningbus.co.uk

To View the full Dining Bus Programme or to find out more please visit: www.greatdiningbus.co.uk - www.ticketsource.co.uk/greatdiningbus

Superfast Broadband on the way

We have heard that Superfast broadband may soon be on its way to some of Milford on Sea.

Superfast Broadband Map
click image to enlarge
Tony Harrison, our local Milford Village Agent by Age Concern, has received information from the Hampshire Broadband team, which indicates that superfast broadband will be coming to majority of Milford on Sea private and commercial premises between April and September 2014.
Sadly, some houses near the exchange will not get superfast broadband under the 2014 programme. (They are indicated by the yellow areas on the attached map, but it is hard to spot exactly how it affects Milford.)
To find out more please click here.
Milford Village Agent by Age Concern
Tony Harrison


Naked New Year's Eve Rugby

Word has reached us that there was a rather strange way for a group of local revellers to celebrate the night of New Years Eve, when a game of naked rugby took place on Milford on Sea village green at around 3am in the morning.

It is understood that this is not a regular fixture, and it was difficult to know who was on which team due to the lack of any clothing. It is thought that around 8 players took part and they were all of an age that should know better!

It is unclear whether they started with any kits, or whether all of their clothes simply fell off simultaneously!

The wet and cold weather meant the match did not last the full game time, and that ample amounts of mud covered the modesty of some.

Thankfully, there were no obvious injuries, but no doubt there would have been suffering the following day, not just from the exertion of the game, but also as a result of the night's celebrations.

Fortunately for us, there are no pictures that we know of. If anyone has any, whatever you do please don't send them in, just delete them from your camera!

Whilst there is a wide variety of clubs in Milford on Sea, we are unable to help anyone who may wish to get involved in any future games, as we do not believe there is a formal Naked Rugby Club to join in the village.

The full list of the night's players is unknown to us, but they know who they are!

PS: The New Milton Advertiser & Lymington Times heard about the story here, and yesterday it was published on the front cover of the 10th January edition of the newspaper for all to see. I bet there are some embarrassed lads around Milford on Sea right now!

click image to enlarge
click image to enlarge

31 December 2013

Help for Open Sight

We have receivd the e-mail below from Terry Smith of Open Sight. If you can help him out, please give him a call.

"I am writing in anticipation that a number of Milford on Sea News readers may be able to help one of New Milton’s oldest charitable groups.
The Open Sight New Milton Club for blind and partially sighted people has been serving the local community for many years, providing vital support and understanding for the significant number of visually impaired adults in the area. The value of the Club is immeasurable as many of the Members would face isolation and loneliness without it. The Club, which meets monthly at Bashley Village Hall, is run by a dedicated team of volunteers.
However, due to impending retirements, the Club needs to enrol enthusiastic Committee Members to fulfil key roles in helping to organise the monthly activities and carry out administrative duties.
If readers are able to offer a few hours once a month on a Wednesday afternoon, we would love to hear from them. All Open Sight volunteers are given sighted guiding training, ongoing support and become part of a much appreciated team.

For full details, please call 023 8064 6377 or email terry.smith@opensight.org.uk

Thank you.

Terry Smith"

Open Sight
Terry Smith
Community Development and Support Manager
Tel: Direct: 02380 646 377 Office: 023 8064 1244

Angela Hartnett at Food Week

We are delighted to announce that 'An Afternoon with HARTNETT & HOLDER' will be taking place at Food Week at 3pm on Wednesday 9th April 2014.

Angela Hartnett is one of the most high-profile female chefs in the restaurant world.

In 2004 she gained her first Michelin star after previously working alongside Gordon Ramsay and Marcus Wareing. Today she holds a Michelin star in her restaurant Murano in Mayfair.

Angela is also very active in 'Harnett, Holder & Co' at Lime Wood Hotel, Lyndhurst. Alongside her at 'HH&Co' is Luke Holder, the creative and highly experienced Michelin star trained Head Chef.

HH&Co is receiving rave reviews for its inspired English dishes with a respectful nod to the seasons and to Italian culinary ideologies. During the afternoon, Angela and Luke will be demonstrating some of their dishes whilst sharing stories of their kitchen careers to date.
 An Afternoon with HARTNETT & HOLDER

Tickets on Sale Now: £15 - Available from the Community Centre Box Office or Online Ticket Office - click here.
10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised shows: click here to find out more.

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

Get Back to Shape at Shorefield

No doubt like us, you may have overdone it a bit over the Christmas festivities!
Shorefield Health & Fitness Club
I am sure we have contibuted more than our fair share to the bottle bank, my wife has even eaten some puddings, and the weather has made eating and drinking the only sensible option.
At times like these, people often look for way to get back to where they were, or perhaps even to better shape, so a trip up to Shorefields to find out about their 'New Year - New You' may be just the thing for you.
The friendly team at the impressive Shorefield Health & Fitness Club are holding an Open Weekend this Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th January 2014 - 10am to 6pm.
The Shorefield Health & Fitness Club is available to everyone from Milford on Sea and features the latest Technogym equipment, Dedicated weights are, Weekly personal training, Great aerobic classes, the Renowned Elemis Spa, Outdoor tennis & all sports courts and ample parking.
To see the facilities and courses on offer, simply pop along.
The Shorefield team are also offering a Special Trial Offer: £24 for 4 Weeks, if you sign up at the Open Weekend.

At the Open Weekend you can also get a Free Swim, Sauna and Spa Bath, so bring your costume.
Finally, if you book on the day you can get 50% off All Reflections Elemis Day Spa treatments taken before the 10th February 2014. Plus…No Joining Fee!
Open to Non-Residents all year round.
Shorefield Health & Fitness Club


Food Week Website Launched

The Milford on Sea Food Week website has been completely rebuilt and has today been launched.

The website contains lots of information about Food Week, and will show you what a fabulous week we have in store for Foodies from Monday 7th April until Sunday 13th April 2014.

Our twenty village restaurants, pubs and cafés are offering a wide range of events and dining offers.  Local organisations like the WI, Milford on Sea Club, the Sea Scouts, the Guides, MoS Primary School, MiCO, New Forest Transition, League of Friends, MoS Library, the Village Churches, Total Voice Choir, Milford Makers, Folk Club ...and more, are all involved!

The Food Week Cookery Theatre has a packed programme of demonstrations and shows, with everything from local home cooks sharing their recipes, to Michelin star TV Chefs like Angela Hartnett & Luke Holder, Atul Kochhar and personalities such as Shappi Khorsandi, and Sal Bashir, The world’s only Pakistan Elvis, plus Alex Aitken and top chefs from The Pig, Montagu Arms, Chewton Glen and The Jetty coming to do shows.

Added to this, there is loads for the family and the kids to do, a CakeFest, educational films and talks, wine tastings, beer brewing demonstrations, the Great Dining Bus, cookery classes, the Sunday Food Market, ...and even a walk to try and shed some of the pounds you may have put on!

Chef for a Night Auction: You can bid online to have David Wykes, Chef/Patron of the award winning & Michelin recommended Verveine Fishmarket Restaurant, come to your home and cook three courses for a dinner party of 4. - All menu ingredients and washing up included! In both 2012 & 2011 David was recognised as 'Hampshire Chef of the Year'.

Generous Sponsors & Friends. Food Week is delighted to say that we have received more support than ever from every level of the community. Check out all of our sponsors and the Friends of Food Week here: www.milfordonseafoodweek.org-our-sponsor-friends

*If you are quick you can still become a Friend of Food Week or a Business Sponsor. If you e-mail me by this Thursday at the latest, we can get you in the programme. Send e-mail to: david@milfordonsea.org

Food Week Goodies: A whole range of Food Week merchandise will be on sale in The Village News newsagent opposite the village green from the end of February. But if you can't wait, they now have stocks of Food Week Shopping Bags (£4), or Tea Towels (£3). Choose from our fun branding of: Keep Calm & Bake Cake, Keep Calm & Dine Out,  Keep Calm & Drink Wine, and Keep Calm & Curry On!

The Free Food Week Programme is now going to print and 40,000 copies are going to be distributed door to door around the End of February, copies will also be available in Milford on Sea village shops and key locations across the New Forest.

We are very proud that Food Week is exclusively run by volunteers whose sole reward is in the enjoyment gained by others. Food Week is truly a ‘By the community, for the community’ event.
Your support is critical to us, and we thank you for getting involved whether by participating or simply enjoying the many events throughout the village.
10% Discount for 'Friends of Food Week' on all community organised shows: click here to find out more.

FIND OUT MORE ABOUT FOOD WEEK - please click here

Milford on Sea Food Week
Monday 7th to 14th April 2014

27 December 2013

Milford on Sea Club Taster Day

Milford on Sea Club are holding a Taster Day on Saturday 25th January 2014. There is no need to be a member to come on in to try a taster from their new, improved, and excellent value lunch and dinner menu. There is also the opportunity to take a look around at all of the club facilities.
The new menu has a wide range of dishes to choose from -

Starters: Garlic Mushrooms, Chicken Strips with a Dip, Pate or Loaded Skins

Mains: Homemade Curry and Rice, Homemade Cottage Pie with Chips or Mash & Veg, Scampi with either Salad or Chips, Homemade Lasagne with Chips or Salad & Garlic Bread or Homemade Meat and Potato Pie with Roast Potatoes and Veg.

You don't have to be a member, just come on in!
Milford on Sea Club is situated in the High Street, next door to Zaika Indian Restaurant and opposite Dave Gregory's Butchers Shop. The club is large and comfortable with facilities that are also pretty impressive; with modern lounge seating, fully equipped stage, 4 Big Screen TV's which regularly show live sport,  2 Snooker Tables, Pool Table, 5 Dart Boards & Skittles.
Milford on Sea Club also puts on regular social activities, such as; Bingo, Quiz Nights, Prize draws,  Poker, Live Music and Discos. The bar offers keenly priced drinks & guest ales, and you can also enjoy eating from the great value Daily Food Menu, including Sunday Lunch (Pre-booked) and numerous Bar Snacks.
The club really want people to be more aware of what they can offer to everyone. So, if you would like to pop in to take a look around for yourself, you will be warmly welcomed on Saturday 25th January 2014 at:
Milford on Sea Club Taster Day - Saturday 25th January 2014
Open to everyone, all locals and visitors welcome. Entry is free. The Club will be open from 12 noon until 9pm for people to have a look around. The bar will also be open with drinks at excellent prices.

Milford on Sea Club
67 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QG
01590 645201
Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday: 4pm to 11pm
Friday and Saturday: 12 noon to 11pm
Sunday:12 noon to 10.30pm
Membership Costs
Joining Fee and Share - £14.05
Full Membership: £10pa
Senior Membership: £5.50pa
(Joining Year Full Membership for Seniors)

25 December 2013

Total Voice spread Christmas Cheer

click image to enlarge
Total Voice contemporary and chamber choirs wowed patients and staff at Lymington Hospital with a special Christmas performance on Wednesday 18th December.
The event started off with some great rock and pop classics sung by the Contemporary Choir including What Christmas Means to Me and Driving Home for Christmas. Then the Chamber Choir performed some beautiful repertoire including Carol of the Bells and O Holy Night. Finally both choirs came together and sang carols along with the audience.
Lymington Hospital has the most amazing acoustics with its large open space and it was such a treat for the singers who are always keen to support their local hospital.
Total Voice Directors Christine Mulgrew and Victoria Hopkins said "We felt so proud if everyone today, it was a very special event and the perfect way to finish what has been a terrific year for Total Voice. We'd like to thank all of our members for their enthusiasm and dedication".
The choirs are taking a break now for Christmas but will be back in the new year learning some new songs for their next projects. Total Voice will also be running a programme of workshops open to all, watch this space!
Total Voice Choir

19 December 2013

Local Chef, Ross Clarke on TV

If you were watching TV last night, you may have seen a familiar village face on the BBC's Christmas edition of Food & Drink.
click image to enlarge
Ross Clarke had a significant segment in the programme demonstrating how to cook turkey two ways for Christmas. (He didn't do a third way I know, dry & burnt!) His methods of using a water bath and smoke gun may not be something we will all be doing at home this year, but the results certainly looked tasty.

Ross is a locally born chef who initially learnt his craft under the guidance of David Wykes, owner/head chef at Verveine Fishmarket Restaurant in the village.

From Verveine, ambitious Ross went to join Heston Blumenthal at The Fat Duck experimental kitchen in Bray. The Fat Duck is one of the world's most famous restaurants, which been awarded three Michelin stars and was voted Best Restaurant in the world in 2005.

Surprisingly, Heston Blumenthal is a totally self-taught chef, whose route to the top has been an unconventional one, involving rule-breaking, unusual experiments and totally amazing food creations.
Ross's career continues to develop, and today he has his own food consultancy & training business which operates in both the UK and Dubai in the UAE. His company now provides services which can further a restaurants menu, atmosphere, standard, efficiency and overall level of performance.

Ross also runs food events to fit a clients needs, which could be anything from a product launch to 500 people through to a private dinner on a super yacht for two people, in addition he also runs a selection of training courses in the UK and the UAE. The courses can follow a set subject or they can be tailor made towards any aspect of modern dining.

In a recent OK magazine article which covered Ross's thoughts on cooking, he quoted that the best ever meal he has had was at Verveine. Obviously an excellent judge!

To add to his recent experiences Ross has also become involved in filming, from consulting on creative concepts to presenting for culinary programmes. His previous filming experience includes; Heston's Fantastical Food, BBC Good Food, Platinum Fusion Awards and now of course the BBC Food & Drink programme!

Ross Clarke
ross@rossclarke.co.uk | 07712 449775

Verveine Fishmarket Restaurant
98 High Street, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QE
01590 642176

The Fat Duck
High Street, Bray, Berkshire, SL6 2AQ