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02 March 2024

Public Consultation on Parking Charges in Keyhaven

Following our article in January 2024 about parking in Saltgrass Lane and New Lane, Keyhaven, the Hampshire County Council Public Consultation is now underway and will run until 15th March 2024.

To read previous article, please click here.

The plan is to introduce:
  • Daily on street pay & display parking spaces from 10am to 6pm.
  • No waiting at any time.
  • Motor Caravans will not be allowed to park from 8pm to 8am.
  • Parking Charges would be £1 per hour and £8 for all day.

Initially, it was thought that only the issue of overnight parking was to be addressed, but daily parking charges are in the notice, which means that there would no longer be any free parking close to the beach for locals or visitors in Milford on Sea or Keyhaven.

As always seems to be the case, the people and families that can least afford to pay the charges will be hardest hit. A free two hour period would be a fairer action in our opinion.

Any comments or objections must be made in writing quoting reference: A2039/MJB by Friday 15th March 2024 to:

To read Hampshire County Council Public Consultation Notice, please click here.


About our local County Councillor, Fran Carpenter

Fran is happy for residents to get in touch with her anytime on email or by phone regarding any Hampshire County Council matters.

She is also happy to meet up in a cafe in Milford on Sea at an arranged mutually convenient time if anyone prefers a face to face chat over a coffee. 

If you have a County Council or Highways matter you would like to discuss with Fran, please just get in touch with her.

Fran was first elected to Hampshire County Council for the New Milton North, Milford on Sea and Hordle Division in 2017. To find out more please click here.

Cllr Fran Carpenter

Hampshire County Councillor for New Milton North, Milford & Hordle Division.


  1. I was always told that Saltgrass lane was Private but nobody knows who owns it , No camping over night was all that is required

    1. Well you have to compromise especially when you need to employ somebody to make sure the campers don’t stay overnight and that isn’t cheap so it needs to be funded …. This is the trouble when people think it costs nothing to regulate…sometimes it’s better to leave things as they are :)

  2. Charges are fair, nothing comes for free here being one of a last long life local.its a blessing for nature, respect to residents who hear them leave early mornings and arriving late, environment,less rubbish to be collected by the NFC which we pay for.plese though stop water sports in mount lake and paddle boarding in keyhaven harbour the zone that is granted

  3. It's been free forever, why do we constantly have to pay for everything in this country, one comment, 'the locals pay' if it's free you don't pay lol 😂

  4. I think 3 hours free parking as walk to Castle would be a brisk one in just 2 hours. Maybe the parking officers who check the seafront car park tickets could go round the tidal road and check. Totally agree with no overnight parking for vans etc.

  5. I visit a few times a month during the good weather April-October. I stay in the van overnight. I use all the local facilities and businesses. Unfortunately if I can’t park for the night there isn’t much point to stop off in Milford anymore. Businesses will definitely notice if this goes ahead. There is literally no reason for this other than greed!

  6. The over night parking if not allowed where will they go ? Out side your house may be as No parking over night anywhere. Even the big lay by on the bend as you come in to millford is no overnight parking


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