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21 August 2023

More Benchmarks around Milford on Sea Village

Last week we published an article about a Mystery Symbol on Lazy Lion Wall in Milford on Sea high street.

It transpired that the symbol of an 'arrow with a horizontal line above' is an Ordnance Survey Benchmark (BM) and a means of marking a height above sea level.

Local historian, Bob Braid then informed us that similar Benchmarks were on the derelict White Horse Pub, All Saints' Church, and other locations around the village.

Bob's interest now sparked, he set out, with a hint of a challenge, to photograph Benchmarks on his walks around the village.

Bob told us; "Consulting my collection of 1970s editions 1:2500 scale OS maps there were 19 benchmarks plotted around Milford & Keyhaven, including the Red Lion and White Horse (the 1939 edition maps are the latest ones available on the National Library of Scotland website and there are marks on those that don't appear on the 1970s ones and vice versa).

Of the 19, five are on walls of houses that would only be visible by going onto private property, so I haven't verified those are still there. 

Similarly, there should be one on the road-facing wall of the oldest part of the school and I haven't gone there. 

Excluding the Red Lion & White Horse, of the remaining 11, 8 still exist; 4 in Keyhaven, one of the photos attached is poor, it was still rather gloomy when I was there and couldn't get closer than about 10 feet. 2 are heavily eroded and can only just about be made out."

As Bob say; "Probably not remotely interesting to anyone else, but it kept me quiet for a while". 

Having a similar nature for trivia, I understand all about researching things that people may not have the remotest interest in!

To read the original article, please click here.


Addendum: 23rd August 2023

Another Benchmark has been found, this time on the east wing of Hurst Castle. Unusually, this one is a metal plate.

Benchmark on the east wing of Hurst Castle

Addendum: 28th August 2023

An intrepid reader has sent the map below, which was found on the OS Benchmark Archive. 

Who knew a simple  observation of a mark on a wall could lead to learning so much. Stranger still, some other peole have found this interesting!
Benchmark Map from OS Benchmark Archive

To view full OS Benchmark Archive map, please click here.

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