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09 July 2023

Probus Club Annual Summer Supper

The Probus Club of The New Forest's very successful Annual Summer Supper took place at the Barton on Sea Golf Club on Thursday 6th July 2023.

Once again the weather was delightful and the Club members and their wives were treated to the spectacular views from the dining room over the golf course to the Needles which was set against the setting sun and later moonlit at the close of the evening.

Next year the April Ladies Lunch will feature the very popular Antiques Roadshow where the speaker of Antiques Roadshow experience will give an update on trends in the Antiques Market. This will be followed by an appraisal of individuals goods an chattels with regard to value and associated history. 

This event is also open to guests as it is so popular.

About The Probus Club of The New Forest 

The club meets on the First Tuesday of each month at South Lawn Hotel and offer a warm welcome to retired and semi-retired professional and businessmen and provides the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals from a wide range of interests and backgrounds. 

The Club meeting begins with a morning coffee from 10am to 10.30am, then have a small amount of business followed a speaker. Drinks and chatter are then had at the bar followed by a two course lunch followed by coffee and mints for c.£27.50.

Founded in January 1975, they currently have a friendly membership of c.50, who generally come from Milford on Sea, Barton on Sea, Pennington, Lymington, Everton, Hordle & New Milton areas.

In addition to their monthly meetings, they have a few social activities to which wives and partners are invited. These include a Ladies' Lunch, a Summer Supper and an Annual Dinner as well as a programme of visits and a monthly walk which ends in a local pub for lunch.

Speakers subjects have ranged from Custer’s Last Stand to Brusher Mills (AKA the Snake Catcher). 

Those who are interested in becoming a member are invited to attend as a guest at a meeting and be introduced to the members. 

To find out more, please contact Club Secretary: Mike Watson - mjwmanx@gmail.com

There are two Probus Clubs in Milford on Sea. To find out more, please click here.

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