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Clubs, Classes & Sports




15 January 2023

Meet Like Minded People at Probus

Milford on Sea Probus is a club for retired and semi-retired men. They come from a wide range of working endeavours, but whilst happily enjoying fewer responsibilities, they also sometimes are missing the social camaraderie from having colleagues. Many of them have relocated to this wonderful community at the end of their careers, so wish to form a new circle of friends.

Membership provides a network of like minded people in Milford on Sea - with many overlapping current interests; providing the opportunity to put down new roots and find new friendships. New members are always welcome.

They meet at The South Lawn Hotel on the fourth Tuesday each month, starting with coffee at 10.30, followed by a guest speaker, usually presenting on local or topical interests. Drinks and conversation are then followed by lunch.

Separate social activities are arranged by members informally, and we have an annual dinner with partners.

If you would like to find out more, or perhaps come to a meeting and lunch, please contact: Nigel McArthur, Membership Secretary: 

Milford on Sea Probus Club

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