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24 May 2020

Can you join the sewing and knitting efforts?

The Milford on Sea Community Panel are requesting help in Sewing for the NHS. 

The Charitable Trust is responsible for the MoS Mutual Aid Group (covering Milford, Keyhaven, Lymore, Everton and Downton), which is organising volunteers to support all those people in our communities who are self isolating.

The MoS Mutual Aid Group now have over 170 volunteers, who are shopping, collecting prescriptions, walking dogs, and making friendly phone calls to keep people going. Our website, milfordonseamutualaid.com has lots of information about everything that is going on and how to get involved, or ask for support. 

Many in the village are already volunteering and our Parish Clerks are providing the telephone contact for residents, and generally supporting the efforts in other ways. 

The Churches and many of the local community organisations have been actively supporting people too, and many village groups have been working together.

The MoS Mutual Aid Group have been promoting the work of New Forest Sewing for the NHS. In Milford this is being led by the WI and others who have joined up with them. They have been doing an amazing job supplying Southampton and Lymington hospitals with gowns and scrubs, headbands, scrub bags, and knitted hearts. They have also been making masks for workers, and have now made them for our volunteers as well. 

As the village shops are becoming busier the team are hoping to also supply them too and other local workers. But more help is needed. 

Can you join the sewing and knitting efforts? Patterns and some material is supplied. If you would like to know more, please contact the organiser, Shelagh on firstcottage7@gmail.com

Milford on Sea Mutual Aid Group

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