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11 April 2020

Wildlife Garden Challenge: Update 2

Keith's latest update:

I was going to include the first overseas report in David's next news issue, but this will now wait until until later. In the meantime, our 22 Milford-on-Sea contributors (to date) have now recorded fifty (50) different bird species from their homes and gardens. I think that is a quite significant number.

In the Issue (2) summary I have suggested a couple of new things which will also give you something else to consider doing during our time at home.

1) to include in your lists any wildflowers growing in your gardens, but only those that come into flower (maybe send a photo if you don't recognise the flower and I will get our MCV flora experts to identify it for us - don't forget to put a coin or ruler that will show us roughly how large the flower is) 


2) for those who want to recognise the call of the Mediterranean Gulls that are currently flying over our houses every day, I include the website address for British Birdsong which is extremely simple to use and covers 257 of our most common bird songs.

To see the latest newsletter and  list of sightings so far; please click here.

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts and stay safe and good wildlife watching.

Keith Metcalf
MCV - Conservation Officer
Milford Conservation Volunteers

To read first updateplease click here.

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