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18 August 2016

Objection to Housing Development Housing Plan

A number of local residents are commencing an action group campaign to object to the Milford on Sea sites which ave been ear-marked for housing development in District Council Local Plan review

The New Forest District Council has earmarked two sites in Milford-on-Sea for possible housing development (270 homes on sites north of Manor Road and west of Barnes Lane) over the next 20 years as part of its Local Plan review. 

The public consultation started on 15th July and runs until 16th September. Plans are available to view in the Parish Office or through New Forest District Council’s website. click here.

Andrew Peters, together with other residents have set up 'The Save Milford' website. (Which should be up and running by Monday afternoon.) The website will assist villagers with concerns and how to go about voicing them in the correct way. 

For those interested there is a Parish Council Meeting: 15th August at 6.30pm in Village Hall, the agenda is to include housing development plans.

Save Milford Action Group (Housing Development Objection)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I think the objection that is in force is unfair to ALL of the residents in Milford on Sea who are on the housing waiting list. How long should we wait for affordable homes to be available in Milford on Sea? Some people have been waiting well over 10 years. Question, how many of these "objectors" actually use their properties in Milford as holiday homes, they are not even local and should not have a say? The council need to build new homes that are affordable for the local people to Milford who are desperately waiting to be housed, they have found UNUSED land available to build them on, only for un-necessary objections to be made. It seems a very unfair case of the Rich making life even worse for the poor. I sincerely hope that there are not enough objections for the council to take into account and that the building of affordable homes has the go ahead in the very near future.

    1. Totally agree.I know a few people who have me had to move out of milford due to lack of houses.


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