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19 February 2016

Elves deliver Food Week Programmes

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How do you get 20,000 Food Week Programmes, and 30,000 Food Week Flyers into the hands of foodies in the village and across the region from Christchurch to Lyndhurst and everywhere in between?

Well, the flyers are easy, we simply deliver them to a few warehouses and they get inserted in a variety of newspapers and magazines alongside Food Week advertisements and editorial articles.

Delivering to every house in the village, and providing all the restaurants, pubs, cafes and shops with programmes is a somewhat more challenging task.

Ultimately this is achieved by an amazing group of Food Week Volunteers, and additional help from Sue Whitlock and the Community Centre What's On Delivery Team.

Around 60 people are involved in total and the way people pull together is amazing.

The Food Week Volunteers collected their (heavy) boxes from our temporary warehouse (Tim's garage) in Barton and then set about getting the free Food Week Programmes to the villages commercial premises.

On Wednesday I arrived at the Community Centre at the agreed time of 11am. I was there to help prepare the bundles for people in the Whats On Delivery Team to collect to deliver to their allocated roads.

As I walked through the door the action was already underway, boxes of programmes were quickly being devoured and made into piles, which were then efficiently labelled. Within 15 minutes the entire task of preparing bundles to deliver to 3000 village houses was done. - and them another swarm of people arrived to start their deliveries! 

By the end of this week there will be very few local people who do not know what is happening in Food Week and all thanks to a grand group of volunteer elves.

A big thank you goes to everyone who has lent a hand - it is small efforts by many that makes events like these possible.

I understand that the elves have now returned to Santa's Workshop!

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