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24 November 2015

Enid Blyton's Famous Five Discovery

A intriguing story appeared in the Daily Telegraph on 19th November 2015, which featured Roger How of Picture Perfect Picture Framers in Barnes Lane, Milford on Sea.

To explain, his mother, Mary Gernat, was an illustrator for many of the Enid Blyton Famous Five Books, and he and his brothers were often used as models in her work.

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When a customer was visiting Rogers framing shop recently she commented on a box of old paperbacks full of Enid Blyton titles. Roger told her of the story behind the covers and this prompted him to look for the original illustrations, which he found in his father’s house.

As a result, Roger is now planning an exhibition of the original illustrations that have never been seen publicly before, this is after they they has spent half a century in the loft. He also discovered some finished drafts for books at the same time.

Mrs Gernat, who lived with her engineer husband, Michael, and their sons on the Hampshire coast, illustrated Blyton books from 1963 to 1970. She stopped working in 1972, and died in 1998 at 72.

Sounds like an exhibition well worth visiting when it happens.

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