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25 July 2015

MCV: Conserving Milford’s Wildlife

Formed in 2012 through the amalgamation of the Milford Environment Group (MEG) and the Milford Wildlife Recording Group (WRG), the Milford Conservation Volunteers strive to improve habitats for wildlife across the parish, while also reporting and recording sightings of local wildlife.

A key milestone this year has been the launch of Milford’s very own Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). Essentially this plan is a toolkit that will help the village and its residents take practical conservation measures to increase their knowledge of what we have in Milford, from our diverse habitats, present land ownership and management, and all the associated flora and fauna.

It provides a great opportunity for the local community to continue to build up information and knowledge through habitat mapping, animal and plant surveys as well as talking to and learning from experts. The joined up conservation actions will result in a robust habitat network for Milford on Sea’s wildlife for the community to enjoy, now and in the future.

MCV Moth Survey
The plan is available to view on the MCV website and new members with a particular interest in wildlife are always very welcome to join in the variety of activities. All ages and levels of knowledge are very welcome from novice to expert. You might want to come along to one of the MCV survey sessions that include surveys of wildflowers, moths, bats, birds, fungi, and dormice. And if you fancy a bit of hands on work, the MCV work parties are in action on the first Sunday of the month, carrying out a wide variety of conservation tasks.

MCV repairing footpaths
in The Pleasure Grounds
You can see the results of this conservation effort by taking a walk through Milford’s nature reserves, including the Pleasure Grounds, Sharvells Copse, Studland Common and Meadow.

To help you on your way you can buy a ‘Reserves Walks’ map from local shops, and if you have not already visited the bird hide on Sturt Pond, the map will help you find it.With the support of Milford’s Gardeners’ Club, the MCV Wildlife Gardening initiative has focused on the involvement of local residents to appreciate how efforts in our gardens can provide important habitats for many of our declining species such as hedgehogs, butterflies and bumblebees.

Importantly, the MCV want to inspire a new generation of ‘wildlife champions’ in Milford who will become the next custodians of our wildlife heritage. To this end we work closely with the Primary School and the local Guiding and Scouting Associations, conducting guided nature walks, tree planting and bat and bird box making.

There are so many things that we can do as a community and individually to help our local wildlife, so please do look at the website www.milfordcv.org or call 01590 645825 to find out more about Milford’s wonderful wildlife and the work that MCV are doing to preserve and enhance the local environment.

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