NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that New Forest District Council, acting as agent to the traffic authority, Hampshire County Council, proposes to make an Order to allow carriageway reconstruction works to be carried out , as follows:
ROAD TO BE CLOSED: That length of B3058 Lymington Road Milford on Sea between its junction with A337 Milford Road and its junction with Barnes Lane.
ALTERNATIVE ROUTE: From the northern point of closure west via A337 to its junction with B3058 at New Milton; southeast via B3058 to the southern point of closure and vice versa.
PERIOD OF CLOSURE: From 1st April 2013 for a period of 12 months or until completion of works whichever is sooner. (Notwithstanding the above it is expected that the closure will be required for no longer than 6 days.)
PERIOD OF CLOSURE: From 1st April 2013 for a period of 12 months or until completion of works whichever is sooner. (Notwithstanding the above it is expected that the closure will be required for no longer than 6 days.)
Reasonable facilities will be provided to allow access to adjacent premises while the work is being carried out.
If you have any queries regarding the above please contact Hampshire County Council, Highways Department on 0845 603 5633 or email operation.resilience@hants.gov.uk
We understand that the works might take place anytime between the 1st April and end of June, but is likely to take up to about 6 days. The Parish Council said:
We understand that the works might take place anytime between the 1st April and end of June, but is likely to take up to about 6 days. The Parish Council said:
“The Parish Council has worked closely with Highways and County Cllr Mel Kendal in getting this resurfacing works undertaken. It has taken quite a while to get to this point and while the closure will affect us all, the new surface will ensure that the B3058 is safer for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians who use the Everton to School footpath”.
Thanks goodness something is being done to improve the access to our village - hopefully before the season starts - but probably not as it is being driven by the District Council!