The Milford on Sea's Knit & Natter Group, run by Jacky Harrison, have been supporting New Forest for Ukraine since they founded and since then have donated many hundreds of knitted items.
They are constantly looking for spare yarn to make children’s clothes for Ukrainian children.
If you can help please drop spare wool into The Village Hall/Community Library on any Monday between 2pm and 4pm.
The knitting work of the The Milford on Sea's Knit & Natter Group was featured on BBC's Countryfile on Sunday 7th May 2023.
The show did a segment on the crisis in Ukraine, and our village Knit & Natter Group were delighted to be asked to represent the UK's knitting groups.
The show's host, Matt Baker visited the village to chat to the ladies and by all accounts was described to be a 'charming man'.
Following the filming of the ladies, and on behalf of the Milford Village Association who run the Village Hall/Library, Matt Baker and his television crew were given Coronation bookmarks as a memento of a happy afternoon in Milford on Sea.
If you have any spare balls of wool, the Knit & Natter ladies would be very happy to put them to good use.
About the Knit & Natter Group
The Knit & Natter Group meet on Monday's from 2pm to 4pm in the Village Hall in Park Road.
The group was founded in 2007, and they often knit items for a good cause or charity, and love to have a chat as they knit together.
During the height of the Covid Pandemic in January 2021, the Knit & Natter Group, along with the WI and other Milford on Sea residents, supported the Becton Rotary Club Knitted Hearts Project, knitting many hearts for patients & staff in local hospitals.
In 2022 the group commenced making knitted items for the displaced people from the Ukraine conflict. Many hundreds of practical items followed right into 2025.
Everyone is warmly welcomed to join in the Knit & Natter, so please just go along.
PS: The group is currently full, but please feel free to pop in and add your name to the waiting list.
Knit & Natter Group
Village Hall & Milford on Sea Community Library
Park Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0QU
If you are looking for other Classes, Clubs or Activities to join in within Milford on Sea.
Please take a look at - you will find so much happening in the village, and be spoilt for choice on things to do!
Donating to Ukraine in Milford on Sea
Working with New Forest for Ukraine, the residents of Milford on Sea have continued to make generous donations to support hundreds of people deeply affect by the ongoing crisis in the region.
The priority items still required can be seen by clicking here.