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03 September 2024

Free CPR & Defibrillator Training with Local Community First Responders

This Saturday, 7th September 2024 from 10am to 11am, your local Community First Responder (CFR), John Blessing will be giving a talk and demonstration on how to do CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and how to use a defibrillator.

John Blessing
Milford on Sea
Community First Responders
John will explain how to recognise when someone is in cardiac arrest, and that every minute’s delay in starting CPR reduces survival by 10%. So, knowing what to do can save a life.

He will then provide a demonstration of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and how to use one of a number of defibrillators now situated across the village. There will be an opportunity to practice what you learn.

John will also talk about the work our local Community First Responders do in the village to support the Ambulance Service.

There is no charge but a donation to the charity that supports CFR's will be appreciated.

The event will take place in John's back garden so bring something like a folding chair or yoga mat if you'd like to sit down. It should take about an hour. If it rains the event will be cancelled.

If you'd like to attend, please text John on 07984 144109 or

Defibrillators in Milford on Sea Village

Now located at:
  1. Side wall of Coop in village centre, by the village green.
  2. Milford on Sea Club (Behind the bar. Not boxed. Available to anyone in need when club is open.)
  3. The Bridge (Formerly the Community Centre) in Sea Road.
  4. Milford Early Years Centre (Near bus stop at west end of the village.)  
  5. Shingle Bank Drive (Bottom of road)
  6. All Saints' Church Hall in Greenbanks Close.
Although each casing is slightly different, they all indicate a phone number to call. This takes you through to the emergency services who can give a code to open the case and provide instructions on what to do.

Free CPR & Defibrillator Training Sessions 

If you have a group that may be interested in a Free CPR & Defibrillator Training Session please contact John. There is no charge for the session, but donations to the Community First Responders is appreciated.

John is an unpaid  volunteer Community First Responder who lives in the village.

As Community First Responders they are deployed to life-threatening emergencies in the local area. Being local, they can give life-saving first aid before an ambulance arrives.

They are entirely funded by charitable donations.

We are lucky to have them, and any support to the South Central Ambulance Charity (who fund the CFR) would be greatly appreciated. Please click here.

About Milford on Sea Community First Responders

The Milford on Sea Community First Responders were founded in 2017 by Ross Woolgar, Terri Newton and Conrad Curtis, and are part of the South Central Ambulance Charity.

The village CPRs are entirely funded by charitable donations and support the South Central Ambulance Service who train and deploy them to appropriate emergency calls in the village.

The advantage of Community First Responders is that in many cases they can get there before the paramedics and commence life saving emergency treatment at the earliest opportunity, which significantly improves patients chances of survival.

Community First Responders (CFRs) are volunteers that  commit to give a minimum of 20 on-call hours a month, and are trained and despatched by UK ambulance services. 

All CFR's are unpaid and simply want to make a life-saving difference to their community.

South Central Ambulance Charity supports over 1,200 Community First Responders, medical students, military, police and fire Co-Responders.

Become a Community First Responder

New Community First Responders are currently being recruited. To join the team you need to be 18+ (no upper age limit), have a full driving licence and access to a car. 

All training, equipment and uniform is provided. Training is done at the weekend or evening so shouldn’t interfere with any work. All that is asked is a commitment to be on call for a minimum of 20 hours per month.

You can find out more at: www.scascharity.org.uk/community-first-responders - or contact John on 07984 144109 or john.blessing@sca-charity.org.uk.

Community First Responders

Milford On Sea, CFR Coordinator 
John Blessing

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