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Clubs, Classes & Sports




21 November 2023

Hidden gold on the Green!

Last Friday, following a fantastic team effort by members of the Milford on Sea Gardeners' Club, Milford Conservation Volunteers (MCV), Meadow Gardeners and some welcome “muscle” from Josh and Laurence who are employed by the parish council as groundsmen, over 700 mixed daffodils were planted around the edges of the Village Green.

This project was masterminded and organised by Sue Crabb, Chair of the Milford Gardeners’ Club, who has long felt we needed some daffodils to greet visitors to the village in the spring.

Many thanks to all those who helped with the planting, we look forward to a lovely display, come February and March 2024.

About Milford Gardeners Club

Milford Gardeners' Club was founded in 1997 and celebrated their 25th Anniversary in 2022.

The club exists for the gardeners of Milford on Sea, providing a succession of interesting speakers and demonstrations for their members. They also try to function as a social and meeting place for like-minded gardeners and everyone is welcome to visit. 

Meetings are normally held on the Third Wednesday of Each Month at 7pm at The Bridge in Sea Road, SO41 0PH.

The club's upcoming programme of talks and to find out how to join is easy to find on their website.

As the club are non-profit making, any events that raise money goes to support local charities. Over the years many charities have benefited from donations made by the club.

Visitors can attend meeting for just £5. (which is reimbursed if anyone joins in the same year).

Current membership costs just £25 per person for the full year (January to December) or £12.50 if joining from July onwards.

New members are always welcome. 

For more information, please visit: www.milfordgardenersclub.co.uk

Milford Gardeners Club

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