What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




10 October 2023

Behind the Scenes Open Day at The Bridge

Have you ever wondered how this dynamic community centre works? Have you been to films, classes, music evenings (etc.) at The Bridge, and thought you might like to join in and help make these events happen?

Well – now is the time to taste and try!

On Saturday October 21st from 10am to 1pm, there is an Open Day, where you can come and explore The Bridge and find out how every part of it works.

There will be Competitions, vouchers for the Centre’s events to be won, discounts on purchases from each of the Charity shops, free refreshments and a very warm welcome from everyone at The Bridge.

Here’s how you can join in and:
  • Help make these events happen
  • Learn new skills, or use those you thought you had forgotten
  • Give a little – or a lot – of your free time, when you can to suit your life
  • Make a real difference by volunteering, finding new friends and colleagues
  • Above all – have some fun!
Why not pop in and have a chat, a look behind the scenes, and see how you might be able to change your life!

The friendly volunteers are looking forward to seeing you, and telling you more about what they do, and how you can join them.


The Bridge 
Formerly: Milford on Sea Community Centre
Sea Road, Milford on Sea, SO41 0PH
01590 644861

Box Office Open:
Monday to Friday: 10am to 4pm

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