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24 April 2023

Wings ‘Wildlife Vision’ Presentation on Saturday

Wings will hold their second ‘Wildlife Vision’ Presentation and first AGM on Saturday 29th April in the Community Centre, Sea Road starting at 10.30am (doors open at 10.15am)

Arrive in time to view the various Wings displays. A short RSPB film will be shown on a loop leading into the presentation which will be given by Keith Metcalf.  

Keith told us; “The first short film shows the RSPB’s spectacular Bempton Cliffs nature reserve.  The film has no narrative, just light background music as the film welcomes in the dawn, unfolds daily bird life and then closes the day at dusk and darkness. It’s quite dramatic.” 

An introduction into what Wings has been doing over the past twelve-months will follow and will look at what we can all still do to help local wildlife and enhance habitats as part of their wider Vision aspirations.   

Greenshank and Redshank
on the ‘scrape’ at
Sturt Pond Nature Reserve
A second short RSPB film about our largest British wader, the diminishing Curlew will follow.  The AGM will take place at the end of the talk.  

Everyone is welcome to stay for a chat and light refreshments. 

There is no entry fee, although donations to cover expenses would of course be welcome.

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