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21 February 2023

Cooks needed to continue Sunday Lunch Club

Sunday Lunch Club at the Community Centre has now been running for around sixteen years, beginning with 40 diners in the original old building before the existing Community Centre was opened. 

The lunch club was set up primarily for those living alone in Milford on Sea providing a social occasion once a month. 

There are now 80 diners on the lunch list and each month a freshly cooked two course meal is prepared. The diners also enjoy a sherry before lunch and tea or coffee and a chocolate afterwards. 

Great effort is made to make sure the lunch is really well presented: white tablecloths, flowers, menus and napkins. Dietary requirements are met and we know that the diners are well served by a team of great volunteers, all of whom find the lunch club really rewarding. 

This team of volunteers help to prepare the meal, lay tables, serve and clear. There are sufficient helpers to ensure that no one has to feel that they must help every month. There are also around eight people who work in pairs to cook the lunch.

The reality is that, more cooks are needed to ensure the continuation of the Sunday Lunch Club.

If you feel that you could help to cook, not necessarily a traditional roast, it’s often a casserole or pie, then please come and join us. There is lots of help and information available and you could work with an experienced cook. 

The Community Centre kitchen is well organised, two catering ovens, large fridge, freezers and a commercial dishwasher as well as having almost every piece of kit which may be required. Come along and see a Sunday Lunch Club in action. No ‘official’ qualifications are required, if you can cook a Sunday meal for a family, you can do it at the Community Centre.

To help please contact: Sue at suemilfordonsea@gmail.com or 01590 643404.

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