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11 January 2023

Need a Helping Hand or a Chat?

HOPe (Helping Older People New Forest) are a local charity who are dedicated to making sure that we empower our older citizens so they can have the best life they can.

They do this by offering two key services, both available in Milford on Sea: Information and Advice and Befriending.

These services are funded by running two shops, through very welcome donations, and the generous grant funding from a wide variety of sources.

They endeavour to keep their overheads as low as possible so that most of every pound that comes their way is ploughed back into providing valuable services.

They deliver the services through a small number of employees and a wonderful team of volunteers.

Information and Advice serviceThe charity offers a free, confidential and impartial service across a wide range of subjects.

If you are elderly (or you know of someone) and need some guidance about almost anything, then you only have to ask. Even if it is not in their usual area of expertise, they will be sure to point you in the right direction.

BefriendingFor many years now, loneliness has been recognised as the cause of a great many mental and physical ailments. Whilst not exclusively an elderly problem, there's a greater likelihood of this happening as loved ones die, friends become less able to visit and families are hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles away.

Both services are completely free.

To find out more, or apply for support; please click here.


To Help or Get Involved:

To get involved as a volunteer, please click here.

To make donations to the shop or by cash, please click here.

HOPe (Helping Older People New Forest) 
01425 629009

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