What's On

Clubs, Classes & Sports




26 January 2023

Invite Friends and Family to enjoy MoS News

I am delighted that over 3500 people in the village currently receive a free copy of  the Milford on Sea News Bulletin by email each week. 

Since launching in 2008 we have published over 700 Weekly Village News Bulletins, are now approaching our 4,000th article, and almost unbelievably, the MoS News website has been visited nearly 3 million times!

Milford on Sea News is not a business, but just a free community service with the aim to celebrate the wonderful village we live in, provide news on all that is happening, and to keep people informed of activities and events they can enjoy in the village.

With around 5000 people in the village, there are still people who do not get a copy of the News Bulletin - and don't even know about it!

So, we wondered if you might be happy to tell your friends and family who enjoy the village about MoS News - and invite them to register for a free copy of the News Bulletin?

Also, our recently launched Milford on Sea What's On Calendar is already getting lots of visitors. The calendar contains everything that is happening in the village such as; events, activities, clubs, classes - and it is a lot! 
Check it out at: www.moscalendar.org.

Perhaps you would be happy to forward this article to your friends & family?: At the foot of this article are a couple of ways to do this:

  • Use the 'Facebook Icon' to post on Facebook.
  • Use the 'Envelope symbol' where you can forward this article by email.
- or you can simply copy and paste the text below and send to whoever you like by email - with (or without) a forwarded copy of the News Bulletin:

I have been asked by David at Milford on Sea News to let you know about the free weekly Milford on Sea News Bulletin. We get a free copy each week and it is certainly worth a read.

If you are not one of the 3500 people in the village to get a copy you might like to take a look at: www.milfordonseanews.org. You can also register for a free copy of the weekly Village News Bulletin on the website or by emailing david@milfordonsea.org . I hope you enjoy it.


Thanks taking the time to visit MoS News, as long as you keep reading, I will keep writing!

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