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24 October 2022

Donations invited to help refugees

The Milford Action for Refugees group (MAR) which is part of 'Christians Together' is inviting clothing donations to help refuges fleeing from countries such a Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Sudan.

Particularly needed for adults and children are: Warm coats/anoraks, sleeping bags, trainers, new pants & socks.

Donations can be made at: All Saints' Church 10am to 1pm on Saturday 12th November.

Organiser Liz Jennings said: "I'm sure our hearts go out to the people fleeing from their homes. We fear for those who remain in such a troubled country and want to show practical compassion to all who have been evacuated, leaving behind loved ones and all they possess. Your support would be much appreciated. Thanks."

All Saints' Church & Church Hall
Greenbanks Close, Milford on Sea, SO41 0SQ
01590 644992

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