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11 January 2022

Milford’s Magical Christmas - a great success!

Magical Milford at Christmas duo; Tracy Haupt and Diana Brushwood created what many have suggested is the ‘best ever’ village display this Christmas. The ladies were taken aback by the amount of support received from the local community, which allowed them to purchase additional lights and larger trees for the village green.

"Lighting the lime tree at the top of the green created something quite magical and was appreciated by so many people” Tracy said. "It cost £2100 in lights and electrician’s bill, but was so worth it”.

"There are so many people to thank this year", said Di, and we would really appreciate everybody taking the brief survey at the end of this article, “but firstly to our sponsors & supporters”:

Platinum Sponsor - The Smugglers Inn
Gold Sponsor - Gen One
Silver Sponsor - Pennyfarthing
Bronze Sponsors - Atech Electrical New Milton, Coastal Bakery, Earsense Lymington, Hollands, Huddleston Fireplaces and Interiors, Ice Interiors Lymington, MD Windows and Guttering, Plover B&B Cottage, The Cave and Visit Milford.

Picture by Paul French

Di went on to say that “huge thanks must also go to a number of associations, councils and local churches”:

Artisan Market (Alison Aldridge)
• Milford Parish Council
• Hampshire County Council
• District Councillors
• Milford W.I.
• Atech Electrical and
• the 4 Milford Churches; Baptist, Church of England, Methodist and Roman Catholic.

….and finally “Tracy and I can’t thank enough, individuals who made cash donations or donations via the JustGiving page. Every single contributor has been absolutely amazing this year and without them, we couldn’t have raised the £7,000 needed to produce the displays.”

Of course financial contributions are just one part of the support the ladies received. There were so many additional individuals who gave their time to create displays for the village green and surrounding areas:

Pam Wright - litter bins, post box and telephone box.
Carol Jordan and her team; Milford Floral Art Club - wheels on the bridge.
Adrian Duckett - Men’s Shed - cutting out of the 3 kings.
Gillian Key; local artist - painting of the 3 kings.
Richard Wadley; local artist - additional 3 Christmas card scenes painted for The Smugglers Inn fence.
Simeon and the guys from Aubrey Farm who erected our two main trees, ensuring they were safe and secure
• and the ladies who created the fabulous knitted snowmen on the bollards by the green; Lyn Atkins, Christine Calder, Lana Rose, Lauren Lilley, Anne Jones and Rachel Barnett.

Picture by Graham Wiffen

Last but by no means - huge thanks must go to all those who made The Carols on the Green such a special event this year. Di and Tracy could not believe the crowds that visited the village - it was amazing!

Victoria Hopkins and other band members - Caroline Ellis, John Reid and Tony Sargeson.
Christine Mulgrew and members of The Total Voice Choir.
Terry Bufton - Audio.
Keith Williams and others, from Becton Rotary - Marshalls.
Laura Legg - Rainbows, Brownies and Guides singing festive songs
Tasha Anderson; Vicar for organising the nativity trail, minced pies and mulled wine.
Jane Etheridge, Rebecca Webb and Jamie - Santa’s Grotto

So, what now for Christmas 2022?

Di and Tracy are enjoying a welcome break right now, but will soon start planning their next vision for Christmas 2022. To help them, they would love to receive your feedback on the event. 

To complete a brief survey, please click here.

Picture by Graham Wiffen

1 comment:

  1. The village green transformed into a winter wonderland, absolutely stunning.Well done to all involved.


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