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24 October 2021

Coping with Coronavirus for children

Local author, Jean Maye has written a new book entitled: What Living with Coronavirus Means to Me. This interactive workbook is designed to help children and young adults come to terms with their experiences of coping with the virus. It encourages talking to trusted adults about their feelings and seeking further help if needed.

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Prior to writing fiction Jean wrote non-fiction interactive workbooks for children and young adults which can be seen on her website.(www.jeanmayeauthor.com)

Jean is an international best-selling author in this field and an earlier publication called; 'My life and Me' was even translated in Japanese and published in Japan. 

These earlier books had publishers when she was in social work and we’re specialist books to help looked after children, children who fostered and preparing children for adoption.

Jean commented; "When Covid struck last year I became increasingly aware of the struggles that children and young people were facing. Mental health services for children and young adults have never been in so much demand. I contacted MIND and although they were not able to publish the book they have offered for me to share it on their social media sites which is great."

To buy a copy of 'What Living with Coronavirus Means to Me'; please click here.

Jean Maye Author

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