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08 December 2020

New Emergencies Partnership

Since the Grenfell Tower fire, and other serious incidents, the Government has realised the value of voluntary help from members of the Public and so are bringing together voluntary groups across the Country in order to have a suitable network of people who can respond when needed in the future

Rotary is one of the only voluntary organisations which has a footprint throughout the Country and so they are asking if Rotarians and any people affiliated with Rotary in any way could be asked to join this network of volunteers. Volunteers from outside Rotary would also be welcomed. 

The country has been divided into 5 areas and Rotary Wessex is in the South East area. 

The requests in the South East so far have been for befriending, driving for a Food Bank and for Covid testing. This is not an exhaustive list because it is not known for what the requests will be made in the future. 

There are 'admin only' roles available, so please volunteer even if you need to be self-isolating or shielding at the moment. 

Requests will come in as a referral, and it is important that we must only volunteer for tasks which are appropriate to each individual, taking into consideration their own circumstances. 

How Can You Help: 

Becton Rotary are pleased to advise that they have agreed to participate in the Voluntary and Community Sector Emergencies Partnership. VCS-EP. This is a new adventure for us and we will keep you posted as our involvement in the scheme progresses. 

In the meantime Becton Rotary need to compile a list of individuals or companies who would be willing to be contacted should they be requested to respond to an urgent situation. If this is an activity you feel you could support then please let us know by email to secretary@bectonrotary.og.uk 

Be assured you would not be asked to support anything which was beyond your ability or means. 

Further information can be obtained from the VCSEP webpage by clicking here.

It is difficult to give too many ideas as to what will be requested in the future - but in times of flood or fire, for example, there could be all sorts of ways in which help could really give a boost to people in need. Some of the activities such as ferrying food to food banks we already do. 














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